The Death

After that presentation I was the next one who will present. That is why I went to the pavilion and stood next to the Host. 


"It is a lovely day, isn't it? Since the House of Luxembourg has a new Head, I want to present the new family heirloom." They are all looking at my neck since I am wearing the necklace. 


"This necklace was made from silver, the gemstone with a red brownish-orange color was called Painite. This newly discovered gemstone has an exquisite beauty that cannot be comparable to other gemstones, even to the Tanzanite. Painite can also be used in medicine and the Grand Duke who conducted long-term research about its benefits." I explained to them. 


They were all looking confused and murmuring about what I was saying. "Actually, the real heirloom that I am proud to present isn't the gemstone, it is the medicinal benefits of this new discovered mineral." I smiled while they still have this doubting face of them.