Examination Results


"Sooo.... Is that the last of the tests?"

The Hyuga in front of her shifted slightly before nodding. "Yes, Chunin Uzumaki. Thank you for your cooperation."

Naruko shrugged. "No problem. Only took a few hour-" she stopped as Genma, Raido, and Iwashi appeared in the training ground and a grimace formed on her face. "It appears I have to leave."

The Hyuuga bowed slightly. "Good luck Chunin Uzumaki."

A bright grin would form on her face as she was surrounded. "Of course! I'll beat em' back just like usual!"

The Hyuga bowed once more as she was teleported away. "I'm sure you will..."

Blinking, Naruko would whistle in surprise. "Alright, active battlefield this time. You three help get people out of the area. While I deal with..." She'd raise a finger and point to a man covered in lava. "Him! But first..." Her hands came up, "Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu!" A legion of shadow clones appeared around her that proceeded to jump forward to help the Konoha and Takigakure Shinobi flee.

Rolling her neck she'd slowly start to walk forward. "Roshi you big lug! Pick on someone your own size!" A sphere of chakra slowly began to grow in her hand as she walked forward, growing in size to be over double the size of her palm glowing a vibrant yellow. At the same time Roshi turned to face her she rushed forward, "Oodama Rasengan!"

-Meeting Room-

Six Jonin and the Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi sat around a table with Hiruzen at the head of it. The Jonin to the right of him - a branch Hyuga by the name of Hayamaru said, "Start of official Jonin Review of Chunin Naruko Uzumaki. The current date is October 20th. The Chunin in question is age 12. Her current status, Overseer of the Academy, Jinchuriki of the Kyuubi no Yoko, Chunin of Konohagakure. We start with the Mission Log."

The Jonin to the right of Hayamaru would begin. "Official reports set at 179 D-Rank, 52 C-Rank, 17 B-Rank, an unknown number of A-Rank, an unknown number of S-Rank." 

Hayamaru nodded. "Physical Combat & Physical Examination."

The next Jonin spoke up. "Taijutsu is rated at the level of a Taijutsu-Specialist Jonin, physical speed was beyond the range of testing, upper-body physical strength was at the level of a Taijutsu-Specialist Jonin. Durability testing was irrelevant. Kunai usage in Melee Combat was beyond the range of testing. Kenjutsu was in the upper bounds of Jonin. No other weapons tested."

Hayamaru noted that down as well. "Ninjutsu, Chakra Capacity, and Chakra Control."

The next Jonin let out a chuckle, one which all around the table shared. "Ninjutsu has 3 elements mastered to the 2nd stage of Elemental Manipulation, with a 4th and 5th Elements 1st steps being worked on. Wind, Water, and then Lightning. Each of those 3 elements has Jutsu of all categories, including Forbidden S-Ranks. She has mastered the Rasengan. Alongside that, she has mastered at least the basics of all of Konohagakure's clan Hiden. Chakra Reserves and Chakra Control are far beyond the range of testing."

Hayamaru grimaced slightly at the mention of the Hiden before noting it all down. "Genjutsu Testing?"

The fifth Jonin began speaking, "All Genjutsu that could be used in testing did not take hold on her - it's estimated no Jonin in Konoha has potent enough Chakra to do so. Naruko Uzumaki has reported she can cast no Genjutsu that she knows of, but would be willing to use her Killing Intent as a replacement. The offer was respectfully declined."

That was noted down as well. "Leadership & Auxillary Testing?"

The sixth and final Jonin began his report. "Throughout all of her missions all teammates even when hesitant or outright against her at the start due to her nature at the end reported that they would be willing to follow her in future missions when she led them - and only two Shinobi have reported being unwilling to work with her in the future on missions she hasn't led. Both of those two were on the mission where she made liberal use of Exploding Clones." 

The Jonin paused to allow that part to be written down before saying, "Auxillary Testing. Sensing capabilities are as of this moment a reported maximum range of 33 Kilometres (20 miles) likely this was not the full capacity. Chunin Naruko Uzumaki has reported she can expertly wield 7 Chakra Chains at once. She has also noted that her Fuinjutsu levels were 'at the level of knowing far too much and far too little. But you could call me an expert.' Any other auxiliary test reports are not the purview of this meeting."

Hayamaru Hyuga finished noting that down before nodding. "Very well then, is it of the opinion of the Five Examiners that Naruko Uzumaki is worthy of the position of Jonin?" The Five looked at each other before nodding simultaneously.


Hayamaru Hyuga noted that down as well. "Hokage-sama, the Jonin Review Board has unanimously decided Naruko Uzumaki deserves the position of Jonin."

Hiruzen with a blank face nodded. "Then as the Standing Sandaime Hokage who has no reason to deny such a decision - Naruko Uzumaki will be given the position of Jonin when she gets back from her mission." 

-The Mission- 

"This is SOOO FUCKED UP!" The Chunin screamed out from his princess carry as Naruko blitzed through the forest.

"I know isn't it amazing?!?" The Naruko clone had a mad grin on her face.

He only let out an aborted sob as an explosion was heard behind her. "Don't be such a wimp! My main body was graciously teleported over when I heard that Roshi was at the border, you should be cheering as I kick his ass!"


"Aah, it's fine. Roshi isn't trying that hard, you can barely even call that a Bijuu Bomb. Trust me, if he was really trying that thing would be about twenty times larger."

He whimpered even more. "I think you need a nice vacation after this buddy. The hot springs are nice this time of year you know?"


"See? That Rasengan could counter-act it, my main body and Roshi are just playing around as a show, they'll disengage in like five minutes."


"Eh, maybe. Or we step it up and all of a sudden the surrounding fifty kilometers disappear. But don't worry! The rest of my clones are evacuating everyone. You'll all be safe."