What's that rattling I hear?

Slurping up the ramen in front of her, Naruko would ignore the horrified shopkeep. 'Heh. Get fucked main me. Don't need food my ass! You always need ramen.' A few moments later she'd pat her stomach contently.

"Hey, thanks, man. How much for this? It was pretty good, 6.5/10." With a still horrified look on his face, he spouted out a number that she quickly handed over. "Have a good day, don't go dying or something, y'know? This was decent."

With that said she'd leave the shop. 'Ooh. That was good, I should probably do the mission, darn Gramps. "You can do C-ranks alone now!" yeah, but that doesn't mean they aren't boring as shit alone!' 

Grumbling to herself as she walked through the street she'd pull a map out of her pouch. 'Now where is the drop-off location for this scroll?' Perusing the map, she'd figure out where she was, before taking a turn. 'Alright, and.... why do I hear rattling? Is that hissing?' 

She jumped back the second a titanic mouth erupted from the ground. "HEY! I'm not paying for this property damage!"

Landing on her feet on top of a nearby building she'd wearily look at the titanic snake that was currently beginning to unfurl from the ground destroying more and more buildings. "Sorry snakey-snake, but I'm the one that has to hear about property damage. Oh, and killing random people for fun is bad!" With that said she'd flip through four handseals before breathing in, and then out,

"Lightning Style: False Darkness!" Multiple beams of lightning shot out of her mouth, but just as they were about to hit the snake, the snake disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The beams of lightning proceeded to cleave through multiple houses. "Aww, fuck. Luckily no one died." 'Why do I still hear hissi-' she stomped on the rooftop crushing a regular-sized snake that was trying to sneak up on her, before at the same time a kunai slipped into her hand, and she cut in two a snake lunging for her throat. 

"Really? This is why people don't like you, you know? The whole murder-death-kill as an introduction doesn't make friends usually."

A hissing chuckle echoed in the area. "But Naruko-chan, I thought you enjoyed murder-death-kill?"

She rolled her eyes and filled the Kunai with wind chakra before chucking it through a tree, a moment later mud slipped down onto the ground. Looking around she let out a small chuckle. "Are we two shadow clones fighting each other?"

There was a strangely hiss-like laughter in response. "Perhaps. If you'd want, I'm sure our main bodies could meet. Perhaps we could have a talk over what is it you like - Ramen?"

A hum would escape from Naruko's lips as she turned around drawing her Sword and cleaving another pair of snakes in two. "I'm sure I'd enjoy that. Sadly I doubt that will happen - I'm quite averse to getting hickeys by middle-aged men. Besides, I think you'd prefer something else, orphans? The organs of Kekkei Genkai users?"

There was a hint of disgust in his voice that echoed out around the area as he said, "I'm not middle-aged, excuse you!"

"That's your problem with what I said?"

"Of course. You wanting to not get a hickey by me is perfectly reasonable - I can assure you I wouldn't give you one. Your seal makes it quite improbable I'd get the intended results. Besides, I perfectly admit that Orphans are incredibly easily molded to my purpose and that the organs of Kekkei Genkai users have amazing research potential."

Naruko paused slightly, only barely managing to react to another fucking snaking at the last moment. "Somehow you aren't even the weirdest person I've met."

In response a titanic Earthen Dragon surged from the ground, and her Sword surged with Lightning as she cut it in two. "Of course not. You've met Killer Bee. Oh, that was impressive by the way! The Uzumaki and that Namikaze brat truly were impressive if they taught you how to target the exact weak point of Ninjutsu to break them with weaponry. I didn't expect you to be able to sense where the Earth Chakra gathered the most in that Jutsu..."

His voice trailed off before it gained a note of interest. "But what about this one?" The ground, the buildings, and the rooftops began to warp and waver as the air worbled. As from the skies came nearly a dozen fireballs the size of Bijuu Bombs. She sighed.

"I'm a Shadow Clone dumbass, I can't draw on that much Kyuubi Chakra. Kami damn it, you're actually gonna make me fail my mission..."

Flipping through hand seals as the fireballs got closer, she'd inhale - her chest and stomach bulging at the same time her eyes turned red and slitted, before she exhaled. "Water Style: Great Exploding Water Colliding Wave" A lakes worth of water spewed out of her and flew into the sky. Hissing noises were heard as her Water Jutsu countered the absurd Fire Jutsu.

The last thing she saw before she popped was a figure coming out of the ground with an interested look in his eyes as he stared at her.



Rising from the ground, he had to admit he was impressed. 'That clone should be about 30% of the actual her ignoring a Jinchuriki's various forms. Truly impressive. On all fronts, she should be, or nearing a Kage-level figure and so young. It's a shame I didn't get to test her Kunai skills. I wonder how her Rasengan is...' Looking up he'd blink slightly. "Aah, the little one missed one."

His arm stretched impossibly far as it grabbed the remaining still-falling fireball, before absorbing its chakra back into him. 'I wonder how she would fare against a proper Shadow Clone? What about my main body? Could she force me yet to use Senjutsu?' His pupils dilated in glee as his breath sped up. 'I wonder how far she's taken the Rasengan? Has she completed it yet like Minato wanted to? What about the Hirashin? How far is she on complete mastery of the five elements?' His heart rate sped up more and more as he licked his lips. 'I'll need to meet her in person soon. What Jutsu will she pull out? What will she shock me with?!?' 

His hands trembled as a mad grin spread across his face. 'No, no. Calm down. Give her a few years first, then she'll truly be able to have new Jutsu! Yes, but I have to make sure she continues to improve, can't let her settle if she thinks she's strong enough because of the rest of the buffoons... I wonder if Konoha will still be hosting a Chunin Exam in about a year?' If so...' An ominous chuckle swept out through the village as the clone crumbled into Earth with a small bit of smoke coming off of it.


"Mission failed Gramps."

He looked up with a confused look. "What happened? The drop-off location was missing?"

Naruko shook her head. "Nope, it probably was. I got to the village and an Orochimaru clone decided it wanted to start a forest fire, inside of the village of course."

A pained but understanding look crossed his face. "I see. I'll note it down. The village?"

She shrugged a grimace on her face. "A fair bit of it was destroyed as he started it off with one of the bigger snakes. I think I made sure none of the fire hit the village, however. If he decided to destroy it afterward..." She trailed off but the meaning was clear.

In response, Hiruzen would shake his head. "As much as it might not look like it, Orochimaru doesn't actually enjoy wanton destruction. It's too much of a waste of," a pinched look would appear on his face, "resources." 'That makes sense....'