Chapter 36


Its hard, its hurts too much as push my baby out. It hurts so much...I've never felt this kind of pain before but the moment I heard my baby's cry...the pain is worth it.

I felt a different kind of pleasure as I watch the doctor lift his tiny body in front of me. I quietly cried as I baby boy... He was placed on my chest and I instantly felt the great bond binding us.

"I'll clean him off miss" the doctor said again as I nodded hesitantly not wanting to let go of my child.

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1 month later:

"Bryan! Come up, fast!" I yelled from upstairs as I stared at the poop on my baby's bum.

"What's wrong?!" The door flew open and he stood there looking around trying to detect any danger. I laughed at his reaction as he looked at the baby.

"Help me clean this up" I said pointing at the poop on his bum. His cute angelic face turned to that of his father when he arrived.

"Y-yes, of course" he said nervously as he grabbed the wet wipes and handed them to me.

"Do it" he encouraged me as I laughed and cleaned my baby's bum quickly.

"I'll take him to grandma coming?" I asked as he nodded happily. After I dressed Ash and got ready.

After 20 mins and there I was in the car going to grandma's house...shes totally cured.

Bryan's phone suddenly rang so I turned to face him while I was holding the baby in my lap. He answered the phone call and looked at me.

"Kitten, there's an urgent matter in the office...can you go - - "

"Yes! You go do your work" I smile as he nodded and kissed my forehead and then my lips.

"I'll follow asap" he said and I nodded. The car stopped and he got into another car behind us..bodyguards were there. Mind you there are 13 bodyguards in 3 cars. The car started moving away from where we stopped and 10 mins later...the car suddenly stopped.

"Ms. Sapphire! Hide in" MIGs said as I ducked with my baby. what happened?? No, please..keep the dangers away from my baby...

"The woman inside!! Get out!!" The man outside bodyguards surrounded the car but MA's also had many enemies.

"MIGs! Take ash with you..I'm the one who needs it" I said but MIGs refused..he held a stern face as he refused my request.

"Please...take my son" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek and it landed on Ash's forehead. I kiss him dearly as I hand him carefully to MIGs.


"Ma'am, I called Mr. Daniel. He might be coming soon" MIGs try to reason out as she opened the door to see a lot of dead bodies of her bodyguards on the ground. He tried to hold back his tears as he walked towards the enemies.

"What do you need?" She tried to be brave as she asked. He also noticed a lot of dead enemy personnel.

"Come with us" the man said as he pulled her away.