Chapter 37


I felt the fear and sadness inside the car as Ms. Baby Ash is sapphire. It's only now that I've experienced feeling that I'm worthless... I can't do anything, it's my job to protect Ms. Sapphire even if I tax my life... But at times she leaves her son's life to me.. alm I can't change her decision to sacrifice herself. I felt his determination to give his life for the safety of his son.

My shaking hands lifted Ash as his Mother got out of the car. I didn't even realize that my tears started to fall as I looked out the window and watched them wash away.

"Sorry..." I whispered and then hugged Ash who was also sleeping. A few minutes later, the car of Mr. Daniel with six other SUVs behind.

"Migs?!" He pulled the door open so hard that it was almost removed. His eyes immediately lit up when he saw his baby safe in my arms...but he also immediately became depressed when he didn't see his wife's face...

"M-Mr...Daniel... I'm sorry.." I tried so hard not to cry as I said that. I couldn't look him in his eyes...but I could feel his anger. I can feel a great danger.

"FIND HER!!!" His loud voice boomed out as I flinched.

"DON'T STOP! I WANT HER BACK!!" He growled dangerously but his eyes softened when he glanced at his son. He slowly took Ash sken.

"Go find her, Migs" he said with a glare as I nodded. I will find Ms. Sapphire. That's a promise.