A discussion about the soul

When Anthony entered the library, he was surprised to find that Mrs. Pince was not at the front desk. The library was quiet in the early morning. The students who arrived early were lying in the pile of books almost above their heads, holding quills and writing quickly.

He went straight to the restricted book section. Although the books on Muggle Studies are all in the public area, because of the Basilisk and the topics assigned to him by Dumbledore, he has recently spent more time in the restricted area than in the public area.

There was already a person standing on the bookshelf where he went most often. Even without the signature big purple scarf, just the...well, smell, Anthony knew who it was.

"Good morning, Professor Quirrell," he greeted.

Quirrell turned around immediately as if frightened, and closed the book in his hand: "Professor An-Anthony, good morning."

Anthony nodded apologetically at him, indicating that he could continue reading and leave himself alone. He half-knelt in front of the bookshelf, trying to find the book he had flipped through last time.

"What are you looking for?" Quirrell asked in a low voice.

Anthony exhaled and said helplessly: "I can't remember the name. "Secret of the Soul" or "Mystery of the Soul" or something like that? It should be on this shelf."

Quirrell wordlessly showed him the book in his hand. "Soul Mist".

"Yes, it's this one." Anthony smiled, "But I'm not in a hurry. If you're reading it, I'll read something else first."

He glanced at the bookshelf, pulled out a book with a colorful cover, and sat on the empty seat next to him.

Once opened, this book will give off a strange smell, as if there is a person who lost eight hundred high cloth stones in it. He gave up on the book last time because of the strange smell.

Professor Quirrell stood in front of the bookshelf for a long time, then walked to him hesitantly: "You - you can use the Muggle Repelling Curse to dispel the smell."

"What?" Anthony picked up the book, looked at it, took out his wand, and tried to expel Muggles from the book. The smell of Gobstone had magically dissipated, leaving only the smell of ink and - of course - the fresh smell of garlic in the air.

He smiled gratefully at Quirrell: "That's a big help, Professor Quirrell. What's the principle?"

"It wants - wants you to prove that you are a wizard." Quirrell said nervously, "An ancient book about gods - whether magical animals have souls."

"It sounds like it doesn't need to be placed in the restricted area." Anthony said, turning a page at random and stunned.

In the illustration, the Hippogriff is half-kneeling on the ground trembling in pain, with the bodies of eagles and horses scattered beside it. But he was pretty sure that what was painted here was a tree, which explained why the representative plant of life magic was mistletoe.

Professor Quirrell laughed nervously: "No - yes, the real content was - hidden." He sat down directly on the seat opposite Anthony and pushed the "Mist of the Soul" Gave it to him.

"You don't need it anymore?" Anthony asked.

"I've read them all. I've read all the books here. This book is very - very good, and the explanation of the soul is very meaningful." Quirrell said, he seemed to be particularly talkative today, "An ——What is Professor Anthony studying?"

Anthony said matter-of-factly: "I was thinking about the resurrection."

After getting the subject, he asked himself, what is resurrection? From the perspective of necromancy, resurrection is the return of the soul from death to reality. If a person wants to be resurrected, he needs to bring his soul back intact from that place of death.

According to Anthony's own experience and some information he found, "resurrection" in the usual sense cannot recall a complete soul.

Once one sets foot on Death's realm, the soul quickly takes root there. Any attempt to bring it back to the world will break its roots. The only difference is which part is lost and how much is lost.

Unlike wizards who received orthodox wizarding education since childhood, Anthony always had a set of conservation laws in his Muggle head. He suddenly had a whim before, thinking that if he sent in a little soul, he might be able to bring out the remaining soul.

After having this idea, he vaguely remembered that he had read a book that discussed in detail how death affects the soul, so he decided to come to the forbidden book area to check it out.

"Do you think this idea is feasible, Professor Quirrell?" Anthony asked.

Quirrell hunched over and trembled slightly, thought for a while, then shook his head: "It's very interesting, but it's not feasible."

He told Anthony that the soul has no concept of "quantity", it is just a mass. One soul is not worth another soul because they are priceless.

In addition, he also denied the possibility of trading souls with death. Death, according to him, is an unreasonable monopolist and will never let go of a soul on the right just because there is an extra soul on the left. On the contrary, when a person causes the death of others, his soul will be torn apart along with the deceased person, and sometimes even broken into pieces.

"The soul is a fascinating subject." He told Anthony. "It is dangerous and fascinating, Professor. You are too close. Resurrection is very difficult. You must be more careful. ."

Anthony smiled and said: "Don't worry, it's just a topic of interest, just theoretical research. I just want to take a look and have no plans to practice it."

Anyway, he has been resurrected. He had no intention of dying again.

Professor Quirrell stared at him for a while, nodded: "No matter what, Professor, no matter what." He turned pale, stood up and left. Anthony noticed that his back was wet with sweat.

"Ah, Professor Quirrell." Anthony heard Mrs. Pince say in surprise at the front desk, "I didn't even know you were in there."

Quirrell stammered: "Yes, yes. I...you thought-it seemed like I wasn't there at the time..."

Anthony could imagine his blushing face and embarrassment.

However, Professor Quirrell may not be good at dealing with people, but he is indeed a powerful and enthusiastic wizard. Anthony counted carefully and found that Professor Quirrell had helped him several times.

His study of the soul was also very profound, and he almost immediately pointed out the naivete in Antony's assumptions. Anthony felt that if Dumbledore gave this topic to Professor Quirrell, the progress might be much faster than if he let himself study it.

Anthony picked up the "Soul Mist" and opened the notebook.

He's going to work hard. Professor Quirrell has read all the dark arts books in the restricted area, and he has not yet read half of the Muggle Studies collection. Today I will study the topic of resurrection, and tomorrow I will sort out the Muggle research materials in the library.


Enjoy the chapter, remember to support me on Patreon where I'm uploading advanced chapters.!
