Shadows of the past

Lucius listened to Yara's explanation, the weight of her situation settling heavily upon him. It was a stark revelation of how desperate she had become, seeking to make such a personal sacrifice to engage his help. The fact that Yara felt her only currency was her body spoke volumes of her predicament and the lengths she was willing to go to find her brother.

"I understand," Lucius finally said, his voice soft yet firm. "But know this, Yara: no one should ever feel compelled to offer such a payment for help. Your courage to come forward and share your story with me is payment enough."

He stood up, pacing briefly before turning back to face her. "I will help you find your brother, not because of the payment you proposed, but because it is the right thing to do. Everyone deserves to be heard, and every missing soul deserves to be searched for."

Lucius's words offered Yara a glimmer of hope amidst her despair. For the first time since her brother's disappearance, she felt seen and believed. Lucius's decision to help, based on the merit of her plea rather than the desperate offer she had made, lifted a weight off her shoulders. It was a rare kindness in a world that had shown her little, and it fortified her resolve to fight for her brother's return, now with Lucius by her side.

"Thank you, Lucius," Yara said, her voice breaking with emotion. "I had almost given up hope, but now... maybe there's a chance to bring him back."

Lucius, sensing the gravity of Yara's trust and her vulnerability, offered her a comforting assurance. "Rest easy, Yara. You're safe here with me. I promise, on my honor as a sellsword, that I will do nothing to harm or disrespect you," he said, his voice steady and sincere.

Yara, visibly relieved by his words, nodded, a faint smile breaking through her earlier distress. "I believe you, Lucius. And I trust you. Thank you for not taking advantage of the situation," she replied, her voice soft but filled with a newfound sense of security.

The atmosphere in the room shifted, no longer charged with tension but filled with a mutual respect and an unspoken understanding. Lucius, respecting her boundaries, made himself comfortable on the other side of the room, giving Yara the space she needed to rest without fear.

As Yara settled into bed, the weight of her worries seemed to lighten slightly, knowing she had found an unexpected ally in Lucius. Meanwhile, Lucius, though still alert to any potential danger, allowed himself a moment of rest, his thoughts already planning the next steps in their journey to uncover the truth about the Sigbin and to find Yara's missing brother.

As Yara fell into a deep, exhausted sleep, Lucius experienced a sudden, excruciating pain emanating from the tattoo on his shoulder. The intricate design seemed to pulse with a life of its own, as if reacting to an unseen force. Drops of blood began to seep from the lines of the tattoo, running down his skin in a silent testimony to the agony he endured. Desperate not to awaken Yara or alert her to his torment, Lucius grabbed his clothes, stuffing a piece of fabric into his mouth to muffle any involuntary cries of pain.

With every fiber of his being focused on controlling the scream threatening to escape, he clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles turned white. His body was a battleground, fighting an invisible enemy that left no wound other than the blood from his tattoo. The minutes stretched into what felt like hours, each second a test of his will and endurance.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the pain ceased. Lucius, gasping for breath and drenched in sweat, whispered into the silence of the room, "They are still trying their best to stop me." His voice was a mix of defiance and exhaustion, hinting at a profound and unresolved conflict from his past.