A Fellow Sword

As the first light of dawn broke through the curtains, Lucius quietly rose from the hard floor where he had spent the night, careful not to disturb Yara's peaceful slumber. With practiced movements, he dressed and gathered his belongings, his mind already shifting towards the task ahead. The investigation of the Sigbin, a creature of shadows and whispers, was going to be a challenging hunt, even for a seasoned sellsword like himself.

Descending the inn's creaky stairs to the common room, he braced himself for the day's endeavors, only to halt abruptly at the bottom step. His eyes narrowed, instantly recognizing the distinctive attire spread across one of the benches near the hearth—a fellow sellsword's garb. It was unmistakable, marked by the wear and tear of countless battles and the peculiar insignias that only those of their profession bore.

Lucius's initial shock gave way to curiosity mingled with caution. The presence of another sellsword in Lumina was unexpected. Their paths rarely crossed without reason, as each was usually engrossed in their own quests or contracts. The small, seemingly tranquil village of Lumina hardly seemed the place to draw the interest of one sellsword, let alone two.

He scanned the room, trying to gauge the mood and gather any clue as to why this individual had arrived. Was it coincidence, or did their purposes in Lumina overlap? Perhaps this sellsword was after the Sigbin as well, or maybe their reasons were entirely unrelated. Regardless, Lucius knew that interactions between sellswords, while not always hostile, required a careful approach. Their loyalties lay with their contracts, and their honor with the completion of their quests.

Approaching the figure with a measured calmness, Lucius prepared to introduce himself. The initial exchange would be crucial in determining the nature of their potential relationship—ally, competitor, or something else entirely. The presence of another sellsword in Lumina added an unexpected layer to his mission, one that Lucius could not ignore.

Lucius listened attentively as Ingram introduced himself, the customary greetings exchanged between sellswords completed with a wary respect. Ingram's claim of being the contracted protector of Lumina raised an immediate red flag for Lucius. The situation indeed seemed fishy, especially given the villagers' adamant disbelief of Yara's story. Why would a village under the watch of a contracted sellsword dismiss such claims about a dangerous creature like the Sigbin?

"Ingram," Lucius began, his tone measured yet laced with an undercurrent of skepticism, "if you've been Lumina's protector, perhaps you can enlighten me. A young woman here believes her brother was taken by a creature described much like a Sigbin. Yet, it seems her claims have been dismissed by everyone. How is it that such a threat, if real, has escaped your notice?"

The question was pointed, designed not just to seek answers but to subtly probe Ingram's authenticity and his actual involvement in Lumina's affairs. It was unusual for a village to contract a sellsword for extended periods unless the threat was significant and ongoing. Yet, the apparent ignorance or denial of such a creature's existence by the villagers contradicted the need for a permanent sellsword presence.

Lucius's eyes never left Ingram's, searching for any telltale signs of evasion or deceit. The dynamics within Lumina were becoming increasingly complex, and understanding Ingram's true role and intentions was crucial. Was he truly here to protect, or were there other, more covert reasons for his presence? The mystery of the village's indifference to Yara's plight and now the sudden appearance of a supposed guardian sellsword wove a complicated web that Lucius knew he needed to untangle.

Ingram's attempt to lighten the atmosphere with a joke about Lucius's previous night didn't sit well with Lucius. It was a clear deflection, avoiding the serious inquiries Lucius had put forward. The teasing remark about having a woman in his room seemed like an attempt to steer the conversation away from the pressing issues at hand. Ingram's assurance to trust him as a fellow sellsword, invoking their shared code, might have been meant to pacify Lucius, but it had the opposite effect. The ambiguity surrounding Ingram's presence and his dismissive attitude towards Lucius's concerns only fueled Lucius's suspicion.

Despite Ingram's promise to protect Lumina under the name of their sellsword code, Lucius couldn't shake off his doubts. The code they lived by demanded integrity and truthfulness in their dealings, yet Lucius felt that Ingram was withholding vital information. The situation in Lumina was more complicated than it appeared, and Lucius was not one to be dissuaded by evasive tactics or half-truths.

Choosing not to escalate the tension further for the moment, Lucius decided to leave the inn. His mind was already racing with questions about Ingram's real motives, the villagers' refusal to acknowledge Yara's claims, and how this all connected to the larger threat looming over Lumina. Lucius knew better than to confront Ingram without more information. For now, he would focus on his investigation into the Sigbin and Yara's missing brother, keeping a wary eye on Ingram and the village's dynamics. The pieces of the puzzle were slowly coming together, and Lucius was determined to uncover the truth, regardless of the obstacles in his path.