Chapter 2

It was nothing, or more like a room of nothing. The room was large, black besides some grid like lines that covered the walls, floor, and ceiling. He looked around and it seemed completely empty, he walked around but found that he had no legs, actually, he had nothing, he was like a spirit, having no bodies. He roamed the area before he saw something, a screen, or hologram.

One he had seen once before, in the ancient cities he raided. A system, this one however was more natural, more otherworldly.

A large grin appeared on his face, 'You're decades late, but rather late than never.' He thought. He once read novels of things like this, systems appearing before people when they died, but his first death did not summon a system. But it seems his second one did.

[ Welcome Host, this is the Dungeon Master System. ] The system screen showed. 'A dungeon you say.' There are three types of dungeons Alexander is aware of, the prison type dungeon, normal prisons, an artificial dungeon, a dungeon made with magic and rituals, allowing monsters to resurrect and continue the dungeon, and natural dungeons, a living being that give birth to monsters and creates treasures, they collapse once the boss is killed. 'I am going to assume this is the last type.'

He pressed on the screen and it changed.

[ The Dungeon Master System will help you on your journey to become the best dungeon master. You will purchase items, monsters, floors, and subordinates, and much more using Dungeon Points, which can be earned by killing invaders, completing missions, having a person stay within the dungeon for a certain amount of time and by having an exchange room working. ]

'This seems typical, but nice.' He thought.

[ This is all you need to know, here is a gift from us to you. ]

[ Beginner's gift x1 ]

Alexander pressed the gift and in front of him a small gift box appeared before him. He opened it and two coupons and five large blue coins with 'd's on them.

[ Free Floor coupon x1 ]

[ Permanent Monster coupon x1 ]

[ Dungeon Points x500 ]

'This seems nice.' He thought to himself. 'Shop' he thought, trying to do what people in his novels did.

[ Monsters ]

[ Dungeon Floors ]

[ Items ]

[ Heroes ]

Alexander pressed the dungeon floor and before him a large amount of different types of floors appear before him.

[ Great Plains

A large flat land covered in tall grass, the sun will shine and the wind will always blow.

Price: 500 ]

[ Large Forest

A large forest full of dense, strong, and tall trees that tower over the ground, full of herbs and mushrooms, the some of the moss that grows glows.

Price: 500 ]

[ Deep Caverns

A system of caves and tunnels that intertwined. It is dark and the air seem thick, light seems to disappear into the darkness.

Price: 600 ]

No other options appeared before him, now he wanted to choose the last one, but he after remembered how to get dungeon points, he decided on getting the large forest, it will be hard to attract people into his dungeon if they can't get profits, the plains and caverns don't provide much profit, but the forest provides herbs, mushrooms, glowing moss, and trees. This will attract some people into his dungeon.

He moved his hands over the Great Forest option and pressed it, it asked if he was sure and he pressed yes. He then used the coupon which made the floor completely free for him.

He then went over to the monsters section before a large list of monsters appeared before him.

[ Goblin Tribe

50 First Stage Basic

20 Second Stage Basic

10 Third Stage Basic

5 Fourth Stage

1 Fifth Stage Basic

Price: 500 ]

[ Wolf Pack

50 First Stage Basic

20 Second Stage Basic

10 Third Stage Basic

5 Fourth Stage

1 Fifth Stage Basic

Price: 500 ]

[ Ant Hive

50 First Stage Basic

20 Second Stage Basic

10 Third Stage Basic

5 Fourth Stage

1 Fifth Stage Basic

Price: 500 ]

This went on for a while, but nothing really interested him, but then he saw something he really hated, not because of looks or anything, but it is because of how difficult it was to deal with them, Shroom men.

[ Shroom Gang

50 First Stage Basic

20 Second Stage Basic

10 Third Stage Basic

5 Fourth Stage

1 Fifth Stage Basic

Price: 700 ]

Alexander pressed the Shroom Gang and bought them, he then used the permanent monster coupon, which would allow the monster to respawn without cost, he could also do it later on, but the prices increase ten times if he wants a monster that respawns.

He looked at his wallet and saw 800 Dungeon Points in his pockets. He scrolled down and saw another monster he would like, Leafling Hunter.

It costs 800 dungeon points, but it would be worth it, they were intermediate monsters after all. Not only were they strong, they are skilled in hunting. Although he would not be able to get it to automatically respawn, and each respawn would cost money, he was still happy about it.

[ Floor created, select a monster to deem as the floor boss. ]

Alexander didn't need to think at all, he selected the Leafling Hunter as the floor boss.

[ Floor bosses are monster that protect the gates to the next floor, they are given a small boost in strength and intelligence. ]

'Nice, so even stronger now.' He thought to himself.

While this was happening, a human was walking through the forest, he walked through this part of the forest everyday, gathering herbs to sell. He was saw a herb he really wanted and walked towards it before he fell into a hole.

He went flying downwards before he crashed onto the ground.

"What the fuck." He grunted before he started to get up. He then looked up, expecting to see caves and darkness, but what he saw was a forest, trees that were as large as buildings, each branch could cover a small block with their leaves and twigs.

He got up and started to twist and turn, looking at the the surrounding area. He then saw something he really liked. Herbs, loads of it, herbs of all types, some he was familiar with, but many he had never seen nor heard of. He grabbed the basket he took with him and started to pick the herbs.

When the basket was around half full he heard loud rustling sounds. He turned around and saw the bushed and grass rustled before out jumped a mushroom man.

The man quickly jumped back before he gathered a ball of wind and throwing it at the mushroom man. This blew the monster away but almost uninjured. So the monster came back, it held its spear in its hands before it used to to strike the person in the stomach. The man gathered more wind and struck the mushroom again, this time it flew into a tree.

It slammed into it before trying to get up, but it was struck again before it could. When he thought of his injuries and what could happed to him as well as the rage he felt, he created a ball of wind as strong as he could and struck the monster, he did this again and again before the monster died.

Its body slowly turned to light particles that then entered the human's body.

"What the, I feel stronger. This must be like the novels, a dungeon or a gate." He thought, but then the pain brought the man back to his senses and he started to look around the area. He then saw a small stone where the monster used to be. The stone was smooth and had blue glowing engraving, he held it in his hands before he accidentally added too much strength and the stone broke, the engraving glowed even brighter and enveloped the man before he was teleported out.

The stone was a returner's stone, allowing the user to teleport out of the dungeon with four other people.

"What, I am out here again." The man thought, he then remembered something in a few novels he once read, the stone he used was something like a returner's stone or the like, it would allow people to leave dungeons without clearing it or the like.

"This is seemingly more like a novel every second." He said before he felt a large amount of pain in his stomach, remembering he was stabbed. He quickly started go through his basket of herbs, he remembered one of the herbs helping with bleeding and pain. He quickly applied them onto his body before he tore a part of his clothing and tied it around his injuries. He quickly made it to the town before he quickly sold the herbs to the local stores and quickly getting to a hospital.

"The injures are mostly fine, just some poison that makes things difficult." The doctor said.

"What, poison?!" The man shouted.

"Yes, a poison we don't have data on, making it the first of its kind, at least good news, you can name it what ever you want." The doctor said jokingly.

"Worry not. Even if it is the first of its kind, we have many cures that although will not completely cure you, will help you live a good life." The doctor said before he left and quickly came back with medicine.

"Here, make sure to take one every day, if the effects still persist please call us." The doctor said before the man was pushed away.

"I should tell others of this, I can get famous." He thought to himself.