Chapter 3

"What a disappointment, that man only got me two points even though he stayed over two hours." Alexander said with a click of his tongue.

"How do I get myself known?" He said to himself before he remembered something, a dungeon tide. A disaster that don't happen too often, but when it does, death follows. It happens when monsters born of the dungeon leave the dungeon and start massacring the people.

"System, how long before I can cause a dungeon tide?" He asked the system, who replied very quickly.

[ You can start Immediately. ]

"Great, start the tide." He stated.

[ Very well, starting dungeon tide. ]

The dungeon rustled before a crack in space happened. It lead from the dungeon to the outside world. He would start it near his dungeon entrance to get people to investigate and eventually discover this dungeon.

The mushroom monster Ana the Leafling Hunter immediately started to rush through the portal. They appeared in the middle of the forest. They sniffed the air before they started to rush towards the nearby town.

The Leafling Hunter rushed at the very front. Its speed much faster than much of the other monsters.

Alexander watched from his room as his monsters started to run towards a small town. They soon made it into the town and started to attack the people. Suddenly, he saw something very familiar. A hero costume, the person wearing the costume turned his skin into stone and sent a punch. This punch managed to push one of the monsters back, but the Shroom men are resistant towards physical attacks so the damage was done large.

"So, I am back, to this cursed world of hypocrisy and discrimination." He thought, knowing he was back, back to this world of superpowers, but just as much, discrimination and corruption

"Well, let's see this world burn." He remembered that the strongest person here should be All Might, someone around master tier, someone he could throw around in his past life.

He had a large grin on his face. He watched as the people were massacred and as his wallets started to fill themselves. First a thousand, then around ten thousand. At this time, the monsters started to disappear. Not even half of them remained.

But at least the Leafling Hunter was still fighting. It was killing heroes and civilians left and right. It was a massacre. Suddenly one of the heroes created a wave of fire that burned the Leafling Hunter. But it made sure to kill the hero along with it.

The other monster then stopped and sat down, confusing the people watching it happen. A wave of purple poisonous gas started to fill the area.

"Watch out, it's poison!" One of the heroes shouted. Another created a wave of wind that blew the poison away, but they were still infected.

They other monsters were quickly killed and they turned to light particles that entered the bodies of those who killed them.

"What are these, I feel stronger." One of the heroines said with a deep breath.

"Yea, I feel it too."

"This feels like a video game, ya know, kill monsters and get stronger."

"Yea, I agree."

"Hmm, system shop, I wish to buy something that suppresses the power of quirks."

[ Quirk Suppressents

An upgrade that suppresses quirks according to the wills of the dungeon master.

Price: 7,500 ]

Alexander almost coughed blood, it was highly expensive, but it would be highly useful for making his dungeon well known.

"Very well, I shall buy it." He said and pressed on it.

The dungeon then started to change and morph. But almost nothing really happened. He then set the suppression to be around half the normal strength of others. He still had another six thousand dungeon points, using it, he resurrected the Leafling Hunter for merely eightly dungeon points.

Along side that he also started to scan through other monsters he could create. He then saw something he liked. The Leafling Battalion. They were as strong as the Shroom men, but instead of physical resistance, they had agility. And the price was not too bad, but it would still take all of his dungeon points. But reluctantly he created another army of dungeon monsters.

The dungeon was now much stronger.

"Alright, let this meeting start." A leading Asian said in a large meeting room.

After a few hours of talking a report came up.

"A bunch of game like monsters came up and massacred the people of a small town."

"Game like?"

"Yes, reports talk about the heroes getting stronger the more monsters they killed."

"Are you sure this isn't just some prank or the like?"

"Yes I am, for well over a hundred people to report the same thing at the same time and for it to be false is almost unheard of."

"So we say this is real, how is this relevant to anything important?"

"If the monsters appeared, they must have come from somewhere. Say, a dungeon." The person said with a grin.

"Oh, yes, so are you saying we should capture the place and force the heroes to train there."

"Yes, if they truly are stronger, this could be highly beneficial to the country, we could rise above our past and finally past that accursed country Japan."

"I agree, we should use this as an opportunity, after all, why should we say no to free power."

"Very well, we shall send a search team to the area, we will send a group of elite heroes into the dungeon if found."

The meeting was adjourned and the people started to walk out, all thinking of the opportunities this dungeon might bring to them and the country.

While this happened Alexander was waiting for the people to come. He had used up all of his dungeon points and was now really hoping something would happen, and happen it did. A small group of humans entered his dungeon.

They looked like normal civilians placed in leather coats and with some metal plates covering some parts of the body. He ordered the leaflings to attack. And they did, they charged up fast, much like the wind, and struck the first person. A large person with a mutant quirk that made them look like a golem.

The strike didn't do much damage, only a shallow two inch scratch, shallow for a golem, quite deep for a human. So the first thing the person did was scream. The other monsters started to run towards them. The humans could only try to fight back, and they were somewhat successful. They had someone among them that could use fire and the leaflings caught fire, but they also made sure to fight the humans to their deaths, thus heavily injuring them before they left, and that was only because Alexander made sure to order the monsters that these humans be left alive.

They will tell the people after all. They have more use alive than dead.