Chapter 4

Dozens of government employees could be seen wandering the mountains, searching for something off and weird. But then they saw five people, all injured and one of them almost dead.

"Help, we were injured, we have someone in critical condition."

"Please help us." The others pleaded.

"What happened and why are you injured?" One of the government workers asked.

"We found a dungeon like place, we fell in, soon after we fell in, we were attacked by monsters made of leaves." The leading person stated to the workers.

"Alright, follow us, we will bring you to the medical center, please tell us where the dungeon is."

"It is just around a three minute walk in that direction." The leader said while pointing into the forest.

"Alright, bring them to the medical branch, as for the others, search in that direction." The government worker leader shouted.

The government workers started to run towards the direction and a few others led the injured to the hospital.

Soon the government workers were nearby, searching every nook and cranny before they found a hole, a deep hole that was so deep they could not see the bottom. They immediately jumped down and they landed into another forest.

They tapped their ears which had a earpiece and tried to contact the others, but they found that there was no connection and they would not be able to contact the others.

"Everyone, into formation! We know not the dangers here. We need to keep an eye on each other." The leader said, the others started to gather together and huddle together.

They walked together for the next few hours, not meeting anyone or thing. When their caution started to lower and one of them left for a leak. A monster made of leaves appeared and slashed at the person taking a leak.

A large claw like mark appeared on the person's chest. The others took a moment before they attacked the monster. Attacks ranging from fire to water, ice, wind, lightning and other ranged attacks while the mutant and transform type quirks stayed to protect the long range attackers.

More leaf like monsters appeared and started to charge towards the humans. They slashed at the front most people, dealing damage before they ran away and soon they came back.

They did hit and run tactics. As the humans were about to kill the leaflings, the Shroom men appeared and blocked the attacks. They then tried to strike back at them, but their slow speeds easily allowed the humans to dodge.

But as they did, the leaflings attacked from behind, trying to pin them down and surround them. The humans noticed that their quirks were not as effective.

"Oi, is it me or are our quirks not as effective." One of them asked.

"Yea, I feel it too."

"Maybe this dungeon lowers the effectiveness of our quirks."

"We need to focus on the battle."


The humans who worked together well was able to kill the monsters, well over forty monsters in the First Stage Basic. Two returner's stone appeared and the humans gathered them and started to inspect them.

"What is this?"

"I don't know, the monsters dropped them."

"We weren't told of this."

"Wait, this is a video game like dungeon, maybe it is like a returner stone, a stone that lets people teleport out of a dungeon." One of the younger workers said.

"That could be possible, it seems we were teleported here, so this might teleport us out."

As soon as they were about to leave, the Leafling Hunter appeared and attacked the humans. In an instant it killed two humans. Slashing their throats.

"Crap, use the stones now!" The leader shouted, the youngest person did what he thought would make it work, applying pressure on the stone. The stone broke and they were teleported out. In the end, only ten people were out, the others were left behind. The other ten people in paled, the stones had a limit to the amount of people they could transport.

They could only fight the Leafling Hunter and hope to make it back out. But the Leafling Hunter was not alone, it brought some Leaflings with it.

"I and four others will deal with the leader, the rest of you will deal with the others!" The vice captain said as they started to attack. They charged over at the boss monster.

This was a bad choice, the Leafling Hunter charged forward. Its speed much faster than the eyes could see. It dodged the ranged attacks and quickly went into close combat.

It slashed down and did a deep cut into her chest, breaking her ribs and cutting her lungs. She fell to the ground before her heart soon stopped beating.

"No, Silvia!" One of them shouted before the Leafling Hunter struck the chest of the person, piercing the body and killing the person.

Soon the other people were killed, earlier they only managed to kill the monsters due to their numbers and the fact that the monsters were the weakest of them all. These were the strongest of the monsters.

They were butchered, killed with little resistance.

"They were decent I guess, their presence gave me quite a bit of dungeon points, but their deaths gave me quite a lot of points."

He looked at his gains, and saw a good one and a half thousand dungeon points. It was decent, but not very good. But, it could be a game changer, especially when used how he planned on using it.

"System, shop, knowledge transfer item."

[ Helmet of Shared Mind

A helmet that allows the dungeon master to share knowledge to the wearer.

Price: 1,500 ]

"Buy." He bought the item and summoned it before the monsters.

"Wear it." He ordered the monsters, the monster picked it up and wore it, he then shared knowledge with the monsters, it was probably priced low because it solely depends on the dungeon master for its usefulness.

He started to share his knowledge in spear arts, tactics, and human instincts and characteristics. The information started to flood through the mind. It fell to its knees before it held its head and grit its teeth in pain.

"Bring it to the next." Alexander ordered, the Shroom men took the helmet off and passed it to the next monster. It placed the helmet on and its head was filled with knowledge. And this continued as Alexander shared his knowledge to all of the monsters. He would not need to worry about sharing more knowledge to them anymore, as their knowledge and mind are also resurrected with them.

It took over five hours before he shared his knowledge with all of the monsters. In this time, the dead monsters were resurrected and the humans were back. In the past time, the government workers had reported the dungeon and the higher ups have sent more personnells, more professionals and heroes.

"Good, now I can test the effectiveness of the item." Alexander said as he summoned the item to himself.

He would have the humans stay in the dungeon for days, although, they could eat herbs, mushrooms, and moss, there was no water, most quirks can not magically generate water, most of the time, they gather water from somewhere. Like the atmosphere, but the quirks are much less effective here, so water will be valuable.

He began to grin as he saw the humans start to wander around the area.