Chapter 5

"Where the fuck are those monster?!" One of the heroes shouted. He stomped on, fume practically rushed from his nose and ears.

"I understand how made you are, but these monsters are intelligent and quite cunning, they attack when we are at our weakest. Last time, when our guards were down and we were separated, they started their attack."

"As much as I would like to-"

"An attack!" One of the heroes shouted, his shoulder was just pierced by a thrown spear.

"Long range fighter in the middle, the close range at the outer layer!" One of the government workers shouted. The heroes got into the formation, and spears were thrown, but the monsters themselves stayed hidden.

After twenty minutes passed and no monsters appeared and no spears were thrown. They eventually stopped staying in that formation. They healed the wounded with bandages and herbs. They settled down and started to rest up.

They set up small huts and started to wait. But soon purple mists started to cover the area, some of the heroes noticed and had a good idea what was happening. Poison gas!

"Attack, they are poisoning us!" One of them shouted, the ones with wind quirks tried to push the poison away but with their quirks weakened, it was not very effective.

This continued to happen, day after day for four days before the monsters really attacked and not just throw spears.

"Damned fuckers, kill them!" One of the heroes shouted, throwing a ball of fire. The fire slammed into a monster before it started to burn to death, but it still tried to continue fighting.

Another hero threw pebbles at the monsters at high speeds. Killing some of the monsters.

Another hero slammed one of the monster into a tree with her water quirk.

But just as heroes killed monsters, monsters killed some humans. A Shroom man pierced one of the heroes in the heart with its spear.

This could be seen all over the place, heroes and monsters fighting each other.

The heroes eventually defeated the monsters. Eighty monsters died with fifteen heroes died with seven heroes with serious injuries and well over twenty with minor injuries.

"Damn, it really is true, I feel much stronger. Like a boost have been placed on me." One of them said.

"Gather the stones, they can return five people out." One of the government workers said.

The people started to gather the stones when one of them found a weird looking stone, it was more like a gem. It had the image of a water drop, but the whole thing was purple, he person grabbed it, and squeezed it a bit harder, not wanting to lose it. But it cracked and turned to light particles that entered the body.

The gem was a skill stone, it would give a skill to the user. And instinctively, the hero knew about the skill, even though no one taught her how to use it, nor did he even know the skill he had, but now he gained the skill, poison resistance.

"Gather some resources, we can bring some of the resources back with us."

The heroes and government started to gather some resources. From wood to herbs and spices.

Once they were done they crushed the returner's stones and teleported out. They returned to the cars and started to give their reports. They would tell of the story and the circumstances they were in.

"Amazing, they gave me well over nine thousand dungeon points." Each person gave three points every two hours, so after four days, that really adds up.

It was enough for him to buy a large amount of reuseable monsters. He searched through the selections for something good to buy, and he found it. But it is very expensive.

But it would be worth it, Insect Horde. Thousands of basic insects, but just the one time use version costs over ten thousand points. So he would need to wait before he could use it.

But before that, he would need to better attract the people, and to do that, he would need to change the drops.

There are many things he could do to do that, he could natural resources, anything that could heal, equipments, or even money. The first and last ones were not really an option. The third one would be costly and not very popular, so the second one it is, no one would say no to free healing.

"System, add drop, inferior and lesser healing mushrooms to Shroom men, inferior and lesser bleed relief leaf to leaflings."

[ Add inferior healing mushroom and lesser healing mushroom to Shroom men drops, add inferior bleed relief leaf and lesser bleed relief to Leafling drops.

Price: 8,500 ]

Alexander accepted the offer and saw as his money drained from his wallet.

He felt sad that his money disappeared, but he would rather have it this way. Rather than just normal resources, he would now offer supernatural resources to the people.

If he did, he would seem much more attractive to anyone, especially to a government and even more so to a power hungry one.

It would only take a few days before people start rushing in. He lied down and waited. It didn't take too long before more people started to flood in, massive amounts of heroes rushed into the dungeon, well over a hundred. Then he heard a notification sound coming from the dungeon.

[ A raid of one hundred thirty nine heroes is taking place, defend your dungeon and kill them or repel the enemies.

Reward: 15,000 Dungeon Points ]

"That, is decent, I guess, pretty low if you ask me, but it will do." He had a big plan in mind, and fifteen thousand points were not enough. Not even close.

He would need much more, but it would be a decent step to his plans. For now, he would farm the people here for their dungeon points, in this dungeon, they can live off the land, even if not very easily, the heroes here can live off the land for at least a decade. But he was not that cruel, he would only keep them here for a few days before he would allow them to leave.

It would first, destroy their morale, leaving only a shadow of their past, second, they would be even weaker, from exhaustion and fear, third, it would alarm the people that intelligent life does exist and that stronger people will be needed to survive.

And stronger people, means more dungeon points. He watched as the people were at the dungeon, looking around for monsters and the like. Little did they know the horrors they would encounter.