Chapter 6

"Wow, the moss here really does glow." One of the heroines said in awe and excitement. She quickly took a jar out of her pockets and started to place some of the moss into the jar before they heard rustling sounds.

The moment they did, they got into formation, ready to attack anything that moves. But nothing appeared, after a while they got back to exploring the place together.

The people gathered what they wanted, after all, the things here could be considered quite expensive, this glowing moss is a one of a kind.

Suddenly a spear flew out, hitting one of the long ranged quirk users. They got back into formation with the injured in the center and with a healer trying to heal her.

Nothing happened for a awhile and it was decided that they would build a camp. Suddenly as they did, five Shroom men charged forward, using aura to enchanted their speed. They crashed into the heroes, using their spear arts and sword arts, they managed to heavily injure three of them and cause a lot of smaller injuries on the others.

"I am not sure she can make it." One of the three healers said with a sad tone.

"What do you mean she can't make it?!" A hero close to the injured person shouted.

"The other two although seriously injured can make a full recovery. She however has already lost much blood, two of her arteries are cut and three bones have been crushed. We can not guarantee her life." The doctor said.

The person wanted to yell again, but was interrupted by a shout. "What the hell!" The only person with an inspection quirk shouted.

"What is happening?!" One of the guards rushed forward.

"This mushroom, has healing properties, it is almost like a video game, those who eat this mushroom can experience instant healing. Although not by much, it can help a half dead person catch their breath!" The person said with excitement.

"Please! My friend needs that, she is serious injured!" The person who over heard this immediately came forward and bowed to the person with the mushroom.

For a moment the inspector thought about it, weighing the pros and cons of doing this before he decided to give the mushroom to him.

"Thank you!" The person thanked before he ran to the medical tent.

He mashed the muchroom into smaller pieces and gave the mushroom to the girl. He and the doctor watched as the injures on the girl healed really time, but as soon as it started, it stopped. But still, one of her arteries have been healed and one of her bones were in much better shape.

"Can she make it now?" The person asked in a quiet voice. The doctor just smiled and said yes.

"For them to already get an inferior healing mushroom, how lucky of them." Alexander said, thinking about it. He watched as the amount of dungeon points slowly rised up.

He also watched as the timer for a dungeon rise slowly counted down, he would be able to send them out in a few weeks. But it would be too long before he could do it again. So he could only wait for the perfect time.

He would attack them with hit and run tactics now that they know the value of this dungeon. He would now use the strongest of his troops. It didn't take long, another batch of monster charged forward. With spears and swords in hand they attacked the heroes.

Both sides clashed with each other, one was ferocious and the other was hopeful. Both sides clashed, this time however was slightly different, the heroes who were on guard now was able to effectively repel the monsters, however, not without casualties.

"What is the casualties?" The leader looking person asked. His subordinates was kneeling before him and gave his report.

"Three dead, five with serious injuries and ten with minor injuries." The person said, this made the leader quite mad. In terms of quality, China's heroes were not very high, but what they did have was quantity, they had many heroes. But still, he did not like having his subordinate die.

"Another report." Another subordinate came in and kneeled.

"What?" The leader said in a threatening tone.

"The heroes have found that the monsters drop loot upon death occasionally, apparently the drops have healing properties, even two of the people injured in the dungeon were saved by the drops."

This made the leader quite happy, many people would give thousands of yuan for one of these healing items. Not to mention the government.

"Very good. You may go back." The leader said with a large grin on his face.

He was thinking of all the money he could get by monopolizing the healing items, and even if he couldn't monopolize it, he could still make a few million bucks.

"What do you mean we are to continue, even when we were on defense we suffered great casualties, and now you wish for us to be on the offense!" One of the heroes shouted.

"I apologize but this is the leader's order." The messenger said with a bow.

"Fine! But you will increase the previously agreed amount of money!" The hero said.

As he did he brought a large amount of heroes with them, as soon as they left, the monsters once again attacked. He leaflings rushed into the camp and using their sword and spears they attacked the heroes.

Blood was spilt, and screams were heard, the party of heroes that left were not much better off, they too were attacked. Although the leaflings were fragile, it was hard to land an attack on them.

After the battle, the monster's turned into particles of light, the light entered the body of the heroes. One of the heroes, who did the most damage suddenly felt something different. It was pain, before when the light entered the body, it would feel refreshing and nice, but now it was painful.

He feel to his knees and one of his hands grabbed his chest. But suddenly the pain was gone. He felt much stronger, it was like the pain was simply him being tempered and strengthened.

"What is this feeling? I feel even better." He said, he gripped his hands and it felt stronger. He felt a small chunck of energy in his chest. He gathered the energy and moved it to his hands and punched. A small shockwave pushed the air and a small wind blew.

It was aura, the human had developed a core. This human was the first basic human in this world. A good milestone, but unlike a monster, his aura is much less pure and thus less powerful.

The human instinctively knew how to use his aura, and now he understood what the light was, it was experience that helped form a core or his reserves of aura. He had a large grin on his face. After all, he basically had a second quirk, and no one knew about it.