Chapter 7

Alexander was now very happy, once people know that they can develop aura and cores, they will swarm in, but what he liked most about it is that now, the person with aura gave him even more dungeon points for every hour it stayed within the dungeon. From three to five, although it wasn't much, once others start developing cores, they would also increase his income.

He decided to send small groups of monsters into the camp, they would slowly chip away at their strength. The monster who understood his intentions started to rally together and charge into the human camp. The already exhausted humans could only grit their teeth and continue fighting. Their small camp was being barraged with attacks, slowly destroying their tents and walls.

"We need to get the others back here!" One of the heroes shouted, he used his quirk and created a barrier of earth that helped block the monsters from coming.

He was keeping most of the monster away, and he was good at it even when his quirk was weakened by more than half.

"How annoying, I need to get rid of that wall." Alexander thought, the leaflings and Shroom men are not strong enough to destroy a thick wall of stone and dirt.

"System, shop, respawnable seventh stage basic hammer Shroom man." Alexander stated. He got what he wanted.

[ Hammer Shroom man

A Shroom man of the seventh stage of basic, it uses a heavy hammer that can crush rock with ease. But because of its weight, it is quite slow. Respawnable.

Price: 175 ]

"Buy." Alexander stated and he bought the shroom man. It spawned half a kilometer away from the human encampment. But that was alright. 'Stop the attack, resume the attack once the hammer Shroom joins you.' He ordered. The Shroom men stopped attacking the barrier and started to retreat.

"They, they left!" One of the heroes shouted in victory.

"They figured that fighting will result in nothing." One of the heroines said with joy.

While the heroes were celebrating, the Hammer Shroom was running through the forest. Its hammer was made to look like two large mushrooms attached to a tall mushroom. In around a minute and a half the Hammer Shroom made it near the camp, it joined the other shroom men. It took the hammer from its back and held it in both hands.

'Now attack.' Alexander commanded. The Shroom men started to charge once again. Their shouts caught the attention of the heroes, who almost immediately created another barrier.

"Didn't they learn that they will not be able to break through." One of the heroes laughed.

But suddenly the Hammer Shroom lifted the hammer and smashed it into the barrier. Large cracks appeared on one side of the barrier. It then brought its hammer back and slammed it into the barrier, creating a large hole in the barrier.

"Crap, they managed to break the barrier, all units, attack!" One of the heroes shouted, the heroes all used their quirks and attacked the Shroom men. Thanks to the barrier, the Shroom men could only go in through one hole.

This made killing the Shroom men easier. But suddenly the hole started to enlarge. More cracks appeared and the hole tripled in size and more Shroom men started to rush in.

This made it even harder to deal with, since the Shroom men are resistant to attacks, they took a long time to kill.

After a minute of attacking, another hole was created, behind them. This time, only a small amount of Shroom men came through this hole, but it was still troublesome. They would need to sacrifice some attacks to have them attack the back.

One of the close range users charged to the back.

"I shall take care of you!" He shouted, his arms and lags sprouted scales. He tried to punch the Shroom man there, but instead, he was slammed away. His body flew to the other humans. They noticed this and turned around. They saw the Hammer Shroom, who was larger than the average Shroom man and this one had a hammer of mushrooms.

Its arms and legs seemed larger and more muscular. It grabbed its hammer and charged forward. The others tried to hold it off, but it was much more durable than the others, it slammed its hammer into the front most heroes. The heroes were thrown into the air, at this point the Hammer Shroom was quite injured. But even then it continued to charge forward. The close combat heroes charged towards the Hammer Shroom. They transformed attacked. They kept the Hammer Shroom at bay and after a couple of seconds, they managed to kill the Hammer Shroom.

It turned into light and it entered the boy of the heroes, slightly buffing them. At this point, the other Shroom men were also killed, but not without injuries. Of the fifty of them there, ten of them died, but this did not really effect the ones that were alive. After all, they were now much stronger, like they had been working out for a few months.

At this point, the ones that left the camp came back.

"What happened?!" The leading hero asked.

"We were just attacked." One of the heroes said while collecting the loots.

"But worry not, we killed them all." Another hero said. He too was collecting some drops. Healing mushrooms everywhere and some normal mushrooms as well.

"We have collected enough, we have been strengthened by this dive, may we return with victory and glory." The leader said, he grabbed a returner's stone and teleported out, the others also doing so. They all left the dungeon and returned back home.

"Fuck, I wanted them to stay longer, I didn't think they would return so soon." Alexansder cursed. He made a lot of dungeon points, but he wanted to make some more.

[ Quest Complete ]

[ A raid of one hundred thirty nine heroes is taking place, defend your dungeon and kill them or repel the enemies.

Reward: 15,000 Dungeon Points ]

"At least I got this." He thought, he now had around twenty five thousand dungeon points, using it he bought more monsters. Shroom men and Leaflings. Not only that, but also bears and bears, deer and wolves. He made sure all of them could respawn, he would rather pay the price of letting them do that than to get more of them.

With around a thousand points leftover, he decided to plant some other valuables.

[ Low quality Treasure Chest ]

[ A chest that contains low quality items.

One Time use: 10

Infinite use: 100 ]

He bought ten of them and had them randomly placed around the forest. It would be rare, but a nice bonus for anyone who finds it.