Chapter 8

After a month of heroes and government workers entering the dungeon and leaving the dungeon, it was reported that some of the people could develop a power that was like a stockpile quirk, they could slowly stockpile power and release it. Over ten of them developed the ability and the government finally decided to take this really serious, after all, if people could develop a second quirk, the power of China would greatly increase.

The government started to gather the heroes from all over the country and would throw them all into the dungeon. If some of them could develop the ability, then it would really increase the power and value of the dungeon.

"How interesting, I wonder how they will react once they notice that they have only been dealing with the top of the iceberg. He had some of the Shroom men and Leaflings trap some of the heroes in prisons he bought. They cost around a hundred each, but each would make back their money in two or three days.

With the heroes trapped and unable to break out. They would slowly give him more dungeon points. With over a hundred heroes trapped in the prison, he would make around three hundred points an hour. Thus he made quite a lot of points. With these points, he bought traps and more monsters.

When a trap is used, it would disappear and reappear somewhere else. So he didn't have to worry about relocating them, this is also true with the chests.

Right now. The floor was filled with monsters and traps. Trying to invade the dungeon is nothing more than a pipe dream. But he would welcome them. After all, everything he bought could respawn. So even if killed, they would come back in two hours. He made sure to buy some treasures, ones he would hide around the floor, they were guarded by monsters of the intermediate and advanced tier monsters.

Speaking of that, he had reassigned the floor boss to another monster of the peak of intermediate tier. A troll. Not only that, but it wore armor and used weapons and used techniques and skills.

With all of that, it was equal to an advanced monster. People might wonder why, he would stinger monsters guard something that wasn't the gate to the next floor, and the reason was because he planned on making the next floor much more dangerous. It would be full of intermediate and advanced monsters, if they need to gang up on an intermediate monster, they will die from the attacks of the second floor, but that floor does not yet exist.

Soon Alexander found the army of heroes entering the dungeon.

[ An invasion of more than a thousand humans have penetrated the dungeon, repel them or kill them all.

Reward: E- rank subordinate coupon ]

'Oh, a subordinate, they are high expensive.' Alexander thought, the other way to get a hero was with a gacha, each spin cost fifty thousand points, and there was even a chance to get a G-rank subordinate. So he never bought one, he had asked the system the difference between the monster and subordinate. And the difference was that subordinates can increase in strength, they can leave the dungeon as they wish, they can move through the dungeon as they wish, and that they were much more intelligent.

He really wanted to buy one, and he was going to after his dungeon tide cooldown was done and after a massacre. But it seems the system was giving it to him on a silver plate.

"Crap! Duck!" One of the heroes shouted, arrows flew across the sky and flew over their heads. The arrows then landed into the trees behind them.

"It seems the trap is over." The leading hero said with a sigh.

The dungeon was full of traps, and once the heroes started to move they found a chest, they heard of the reports, these chests contained items ranging from wood to metal, or even gloves that increase strength.

One of the heroes rushed to the chest a land opened it, only for the chest to swallow the person. It was a mimic. This mimic was of the basic tier. So it couldn't instantly kill the hero, but it could easily seriously injure him.

"A monster! Attack!" One of the government workers shouted and started to unleash their attacks at the mimic. The attacks slammed into the mimic and eventually killed it.

The chest turned to light particles and entered the body of everyone who attacked. "Wow, the reports were true."

"Of course it was."

"Hey look, the mimic dropped something." One of them said, pointing at a pair of boots. The boots were made of leather and more medieval like.

One of the heroes went to it and collected it, he then tossed it to one of the heroes who stored it in her chest.

She was a new heroine and her quirk allowed her to store anything in her chest so long as it fit between her chest. They would bring it to the inspector, someone with a quirk that allows them to see the effects of the items from the dungeon.

"Everyone, a group of monsters from the left!" Someone shouted. They looked to their left and saw a swarm of insects flying their way. They were giant wasps and hornets they size of a human fist to a human arm.

The heroes charged up their quirks and started to attack the swarm of insects. Fire, poison, wind, lightning, energy and all types of attacks flew towards the insects. Most of the insects were killed, but the larger and stronger ones made it through, they bit into the legs of the heroes at the front, the grounded ones dragged the ones they caught away, and the flying ones stung them as well as they could.

Alexander bought more prisons and had them trapped inside of them, using the quirk suppressant on them at full power. Practically making them quirkless.

Soon, all of the insects were killed, but ten of the heroes were killed and five of them were captured. At this point another shout came out.

"Bears at the right!"

They looked and saw a group of bears rushing forward towards them. The bears were large and had white Mohawks. As they charged forward, their maws opened and a gust of wind flew towards the heroes.

The heroes retaliated and attacked. They sent a barrage of attacks and it collided with the wind attacks of the bears. The wind attacks managed to weaken the attacks of the heroes, but in the end, the attacks over whelmed the bears, killing them.

"Serpent!" One of them shouted. The heroes looked around, they then saw it. A large serpent, was slithering their way. It slammed into some of the heroes, opening its maws and eating ten of them heroes in a single bite.

"Give it your all!" One of the shouted. This serpant was a cave python. Over forty yards longs and with scales that could resist attacks of basic being. This was one of the monsters at the top of the food chain.

The heroes barraged the serpant with attacks after attacks. They did little damage, but they decided they would kill it with a thousand cuts. The python opened its mouth and ate a group of eight heroes. Then a person who was surrounded in a red aura jumped to the snake, he then struck the snake in the face, slamming it into a tree.

But it would take more than that to kill it, it got back up and opened its maw and tried to eat the person so daring to attack it. But the person jumped to the side and slammed his fist into the side of the snake.

Its body was able to absorb and release the shock. It then tried to eat the person, but he dodged again, the snake rammed into a crowd of heroes, but it did not care it would only care if it could kill the one that dared to attack it.

The person however disappeared in its point of view. It looked around, trying to find the person. But then the person appeared. He slammed his fist into the head of the python. The attack slammed the python head into the ground and crack the skull of the python.

The person then punched the head of the python again, killing it as its skull shattered.

The python turned into a large sea of light particles and they entered the body of the hero and some of them entered the bodies of other heroes.

The particles swarmed around the hero and he felt it swirl around his heart. It then focused just below his heart. He had become the first stage of basic.

"Wow, this is what it is like to 'level up'." The person said with a smile.

The python managed to kill over twenty heroes along with it.

The hero just went back to where he was earlier and started to walk with the others. He was the seventh ranked hero in China, thus he could easily kill something in the middle of the intermediate tier.

"How strong. Let's see how you deal with this." Alexander said while pressing a button.

The forest shook, the heroes were on high alert, they formed a circle and started to get ready for an attack. Suddenly the roots of the trees sprouted from the ground and started to grab the heroes and squeezed them dead.

The roots of the trees started to launch themselves towards the heroes. They slammed into the heroes and launched them away, the heroes slammed into many trees and fell to the ground. Many of them died.

The heroes tried to attack the trees, but they couldn't do much to the trees. The trees continued to attack the heroes. The high ranking heroes attacked the roots and trees as well, and soon the trees closest to the heroes were destroyed, but the roots continued to wail around.

"Damn, we need to take care of the roots." One of the high ranking heroes said. He sharp winds that cut the nearby roots. Soon the tree turned into light particles and started to float into the heroes. But it was no where near as much as the python.

The heroes all worked together and started to attack the trees, destroying them.

But the last one got out of the ground and started to use the roots to walk on the ground. It charged forward. It used its roots and slammed into the heroes.

It's roots formed into a large fist and slammed down on the heroes. It formed a shockwave as it landed. The winds pushed around, slamming people into other trees.

The high ranking heroes got together and started to fight it together. But a problem was that the tree is much stronger than the others. The strikes were repelled by the strong bark.

The heroes tried to attack it all together, sending waves of attacks. They caused the tree monster to stumble back a bit, at this, the heroes continued to attack, causing it to move back.

The high ranking heroes used this and sent their own attacks. Their much more powerful attacks, damaged the tree bark and the flames started to burn it.

The tree monster formed another fist and slammed down. But it missed, however, the shockwave still threw the heroes away. At this, the high ranking heroes ramped up their efforts.

One of the heroes sent a ray of light that burned the bark.

Another sent purple lightning.

A hero sent a barrage of metal chips.

The heroes slowly chipped it down, it then fell to the ground. It turned into a large amount of light particles that entered the bodies of the heroes.

Because it was shared between five hundred people, the amount each took was not much. Only enough to make them feel much better.

"Get the injured to the medical wing, count the body count, others, gather the drops and be sure to always have someone guarding you!" The leading government official shouted.

"That was pretty hard. Don't you think?" One of the higher ranked hero asked.

"Yea, but feel much better now."

"Impressive, but you are in for a treat."