Chapter 14

People could be seen talking and haggling with each other. But it was obvious that haggling wouldn't work, it hadn't work for the past two hours. So there is no way it would now.

"Haaaa, I spent almost all of my dungeon points." Someone said.

"Me too buddy, me too." Someone else replied.

"Why is everything here so expensive?!" Someone else shouted.

"Well, they have a monopoly, these equipment are enchanted with magic or something, plus, you already know they are better than the ones we can get from most chests, right?"

"Yea, but still."

"Just think of it like this, it should be easier to make dungeon points now, we have developed our cores and now we have magic items to boost us, killing monsters should be easier so long as we stay in the beginner's area."

"There are other areas?" Someone asked.

"Yes, but the place is much more dangerous than the first area, so don't even try to enter. I hear an expedition of over a hundred people entered the second area and only half of them made it back." Everyone felt a chill down their spines.

"So stay within the beginner's area until you can easily kill the monsters there." Everyone agreed to do so.

Endeavor was in the dungeon, he could feel his quirk being suppressed to a certain level. A Shroom man jumped him. But Endeavor's instincts told him that something was coming.

He jumped back and used his quirk, burning the Shroom man in just a few seconds. The monster turned into a bunch of light particles, which entered Endeavor.

He had a large smile on his face. He felt his strength increase as the light entered his body. He loved the feeling of his body increasing in strength.

He used his quirk and started to fly forward. It was fast but not too fast to slam into a tree. Suddenly an arrow pierced his hero costume. It landed into his shoulder.

Endeavor scanned the area and found the Shroom man using the bow. It loaded another arrow and shot it. Endeavor dodged the attack and using his quirk he focused his fire into his fingers which he used to burn the monster. But it was resilient, using the last of its strength to shot another arrow, this one slamming into Endeavor's palm.

He hissed and used his other hand and pulled the arrows out, he then used his quirk to burn his wound, thus stopping the wound from bleeding.

"Tsk, why can't they die without resistance." He said to himself.

He landed and looked, he found an orange mushroom, he heard about this mushroom from the government worker, it was a healing mushroom. So he ate it. His wound slightly closed.

"Pretty good." He said to himself, suddenly a spear was thrust his way, the spear almost stabbed him, but he dodged to the side, he used his quirk and burned the Shroom man spearsman.

The next moment a small wave of arrows flew his way. He used his quirk and flew away. The arrows landed onto the tree behind him.

"Fuck." He said as he saw another wave of arrows fly his way, using his quirk he repelled himself back while also burning all the Shroom men. They used their power to release another two waves of arrows before they died, but only two of them landed, hitting his legs. They turned into light particles, it entered the body of Endeavor.

He felt pain in his body, he felt to the ground, but soon the pain faded away, he felt his core in his body, he instinctively used it to push the arrows out, and the remaining aura helped heal his wound a bit.

"This is what a core feels like." He said to himself, he felt his body already increasing in temperature, but thanks to the forest, he could feel his body cooling off.

He was going to continue when he felt pressure, the core helped him increase his sensitivity towards those with cores as well, he felt someone much higher than him, and the thing was just a few steps away.

A large explosion occurred, Endeavor was thrown into a tree. He felt a bone of his break. He looked at the one who did it and saw a giant, it was completely covered in armor, it had a giant club made of iron wood, a wood like iron, and dark steel, a steel that is dark by nature but is extremely strong.

In its other hand was a giant shield. It held the insignia of a lion and sword. It took a deep breath, steam could be seen coming through the gaps in the helmet.

It lifted its club up and then slammed it down on Endeavor. The occurring shockwave blew through the forest. Luckily, Endeavor managed to dodge, using his quirk to increase his speed.

The giant reeled his club to the side and slammed it into another tree, it caused the tree to collapse. It fell with a thud.

Endeavor felt fear permeate his body. He used his quirk to fly away, but the giant jumped after him. Using its club it slammed down upon Endeavor.

Using his quirk, we went along with the club, allowing him to escape most of the damage. His body slammed into the ground. He rolled into a tree root. The giant brought its club up and slammed it into the ground.

Endeavor used his quirk and flew between the legs of the giant. But the giant turned its body and his foot slid against the ground. The giant had turned its attack around.

It nearly slammed into Endeavor, but he managed to move to the side so only the shockwave hit him, but that wasn't saying too much, the shockwave was like the punch of a person with a strength quirk.

He was slammed into another tree, but then he remembered, a returner's stone, an item that would allow him to teleport away. He heard that anything could drop it when they died, so he used his quirk at max power and flew into a large bush where the army of Shroom men archers were, he found a stone and crushed it under his hands.

He laid on the ground, thinking it was over, but the thing was, this returner's stone took a while before the actual teleporting happened. His body was turning into light but he was still there. He still saw the giant coming his way and the only thing he could do is use his quirk and attack the giant, hoping it would buy some time.

He gathered all of his strength and used his quirk at maximum power he could use in the dungeon. "Prominence Burn?" He instinctively shouted.

A large flame erupted from him, but that didn't stops the giant from charging. The giant then used his club and did a upwards sweep.

The club slammed into the body, sending it away. At this time, Endeavor was teleported away. His body flew across the sky as it slammed into a tree. The nearby heroes who were getting to the dungeon saw him.

They immediately brought him to the medical branch, Endeavor who was in the dungeon for only an hour had almost died.