Where Did They Go?

Idom waited for a few minutes before he spoke, "It seems he is really gone this time. Well, who knows, maybe he can hear me from somewhere else too."

Something very big is going to happen. He knows that. His nation, which was seen as a victim to terrorism, was soon going to declare war on another nations. There was no doubt in his mind that with his help, Aidni will probably win the war. The "probably" is because he does not know the full extent of his power and whether he can withstand nuclear attacks.

But still, he was not happy. He was a man who always take decisions with his principles and ideals in view. He was not happy with Zigeyr decisions.

Suddenly, the mobile in his pocket rang. He took it out and found out it was his family guard head call. He accepts the call,

"What's the matter? Is everything alright there?"

When the rebellion started, he had sent his family outside the nation to keep them safe, Now that the rebellion is no more, he would call his family back and could spend his time with them.

"Sir, there is a huge problem here. The Miss has been shot in her stomach. She is currently in hospital with all her guards protecting her." The guard hurriedly explained his situation.

"Huh. What?" Idom was stunned. He could not think for a moment what he said. But then he regained his focus and speaks,

"W-who shot her? I-is she al-alright? Where is Ria? Is she alright? Are both of them alright!"

"S-sir, Miss and child are alright, but we could not identify the one who shot the bullet. Actually, it is very strange. When the incident happened, Miss was in the kitchen and there was no spot from where the shooter could have shot her. There was also high security around the villa. There was no way the shooter could have got in unnoticed.

Idom then thought about it. Who could have shot her? Is there a spy within the guards? Hmm. It is very likely. Almost as he was conformed by his hypothesis and was about to command the guard to start investigating, he suddenly remembered something and his face paled. He asked,

"H-how many bullets were there?"

"Uh, there were 5 bullets." The guard answered.

Idom gritted his teeth in anger and frustration, but his eyes were showing helplessness. He knows who shot those bullets. It was not a spy or any terrorist, but still to be safe he commanded, "Search for spies among all guards." The guard answered, "Yes sir."

The call was hung up. Idom sat on his chair. His face showing great pain. He remembers the 5 bullets he shot towards Zigeyr and the way they disappeared. That time he wondered where did the bullets go?

Now he know where did they go.