
Zigeyr stares at the Quasi-Supreme gods kneeling in front of him as he finishes his remaining drink. They were the only subordinates he has left.

"Master, it seems you still can't let go of your habit of drinking blood." Ked breaks the silence with a smile on his face. Others who were kneeling trembled at his words. Though they know that among them Ked is the only one who have the ability to speak before their lord, but it still shakes them. Ked is the most mysterious one of them and everything about him is unknown. No one knows what divinity he governs, but they are certain that he is certainly the strongest out of them.

Zigeyr finishes the last drop of blood in the glass. He smiled and replied, "The blood of a human is certainly very special, especially of humans children's. They are the sweetest thing I have ever tasted. It is given since they are created by the bloods of multiple Supremes."

"Really?" Ked shows surprised face as he knows that his master have tasted a good deal of different blood. To be on top of the rank humans can be proud of this achievement.

"Well, that aside, I have awoken you all to start my plans."

"What we have to do, Master?" Ked returned to his great seriousness mood as he listens very carefully.

"Right now you guys are the only one left of all my sentient subordinates, that is why I want you to unite some of the countries." Zigeyr have many subordinates but all of them are just monsters without any intelligence. They know only how to destroy.

"Udnih religion?" Since Ked has possessed a body, he knows all the basic information of the modern world.

"Yes, the land of Udnihsm."

"Master, you are really fulfilling your promise?" Ked asked with curiosity. In his whole lifetime, this is the first time he is seeing Zigeyr ever fulfilling his promise.

"Of course, I am fulfilling my promise and preparing for the awakening of old friends." Zigeyr smiled as he once again thinks of all scenarios he is going to enjoy.

"Master, when will other gods awaken?" Ked asked.

"In a year or two. Now, just go to Aidni and inform their prime minister that I sent you to assist."

"Yes, Master." With that, Ked and other vanishes.

Outside at sky,

"Hu, I am still impressed by how you can address the lord with such ease." Agen complemented.

"It's nothing. You are all just too scared."

"Really? I think that you know the lord for quite a long. Maybe about a trillion years?" Mihtris speaks as she gazes at Ked trying to gaze through his secrets.

Ked does not reply. No one can imagine for how many years he knows him.

Back at the apartment,

Zigeyr smiles as he listened to their conversation. As a primordial god, he can hear almost anything in this planet from anywhere. If he had been not injured, then his hearing could have covered the whole galaxy.

"It is boring to just sit and wait here. Should I just increase their time of awakening? It's too boring to play with humans." If he wants, then right now he could probably control all the humans with his powers. It would not even take him 3 hours to control every human mind, but it will be too boring and easy.

"There should be at least a single interesting human being in this world." Zigeyr scanned the whole earth to search for an interesting being that could entertain him until gods are waking up.

After some moment, his face bloomed with smile.

"Found it, An interesting human."