Result Of The First Battle.

Goddess Xuhuna was perplexed after seeing the hovering Orbs of Infinity behind Zigeyr. Even a single one forced her to use her World Destruction Spear, how will she defend against all of these?

'Yes, let her mind be confused and afraid.' Zigeyr stretched his hand towards Goddess Xuhuna and all the Orbs of Infinity were launched towards her.

Goddess Xuhuna, seeing the incoming attack, quickly summoned her World Destruction Spear and used it to block them. But she was unable to block all of them and her soul got greatly injured. 

'Now with her injury and uncertainty, her mental strength will be degraded. She will be scared of what will be coming, and at that time...' Zigeyr started chanting words and the chanting sounded across the whole space.

Goddess Xuhuna, who was expecting another barrage of attacks, was confused, and then her eyes widened upon hearing those chants.

Even though she was floating, she stumbled. "S-stop, uhh, that." But the chanting continued. Goddess Xuhuna felt her sanity slipping away. She tried blocking all her sense, but the chanting will still reach her soul.

The mantra continued to resonate within her, causing her to become more and more enraged. "NO!" She screams, trying to break free from the mantra's hold. Zigeyr continued chanting the mantra, intensifying its effect on Goddess Xuhuna. Goddess Xuhuna struggled against it, but it was clear that she is losing the battle.

"STOP!" She shouts, her voice breaking. "I LOSE!" But he didn't stop.

Then, with a final burst of energy, she collapses, started falling below. Zigeyr stopped the chanting and waved his hand, and his divine energy lifted the Goddess Xuhuna and the World Destruction Spear. But then, the World Destruction Spear turned into a ray of light and escaped from there.

Zigeyr didn't say anything and stretched his hand to summon an artifact in the shape of a sphere. It glows with an otherworldly light. There were intricate engravings and the sense of ancient power emanates from it.

Zigeyr placed this artifact above Goddess Xuhuna and commanded. "Absorb it." The artifact then seems to be grown even brighter. Suddenly, Goddess Xuhuna, who has collapsed, unconsciously scream in pain and agony. An energy escaped from her soul and started being collected in the artifact above her. The artifact seems to be extracting the divine energy from her

The process of extracting the divine energy was excruciatingly painful, and she continued to scream unconsciously throughout the whole process as her soul was drained of its power.

After what seems like an eternity, the extraction was completed. Now the body of the former Goddess of Destruction was just a mortal. Since she was now just a mortal, she soon died without the presence of air in the space.

In the presence of Zigeyr, the body soon turned into nothingness. The mysterious artifact, which can extract the divine energy of a Supreme God, also vanished. Then Zigeyr also vanished.


Zigeyr came back to his apartment in Anihc. There was another god waiting for him.

"Master, are you alright?" Ked asked in worried tone. Even though a goddess as weak as Xuhuna should not be able to injure Zigeyr but since everyone now is at almost same level, there is still uncertainty.

"I am unharmed." Zigeyr responded, his voice heavy. "But now I should increase my strength as soon as possible." As gods will increase, the fights will get much harder. He will have to reach his peak as soon as possible to reach his end goal.


"Yes, Master."

"Go and take control of the Xaatinia. To the people there, ask them if they are willing to convert to Udnih Religion. If they are then cast a curse of death that will kill them if they practice any other religion. If they aren't then there is no need to hold back. You and the others can do all the things you wanted to them. Torture them in as many ways as you wanted. Your only limitation is that they should not be dead."

Ked was stunned as he heard the orders from his master. No need to hold back? That was the order he was waiting for.

"As you command, My Master." Ked kneels down as he accepted the order and smiled in delight. "I will certainly create as much chaos as I can." That should be what his master wants. The more the chaos in the world, the greater will be his power. After accepting the mission, he vanished.

Zigeyr looked outside to the bustling city. They still did not know that the capital city of their nation has crumbled. The reporters should be arriving to the place. After all, the explosion was enough to shake the whole continent. There will be many questions asked to the Idom who was the Prime Minister of Udhnism.

"I haven't roamed around this city much. Maybe today I should go for a walk." The sun was setting, it was a time in which children's usually play in the ground and adults go for a walk.

Zigeyr stepped out of his apartment and walks around the city, observing the people and their daily lives. The city was bustling, there were many vibrant markets showcasing their items and the modern sky crappers towers that towers above them. As Zigeyr walks around the city, he senses many different emotions from people. Some were indifferent as they perform their daily works and just hopes for the continuity, some were beaming with joy as they enjoy the restlessness and the beauty of the city, while some were anxious about their and their nation's future.

"Excitement, Ambition, Fear and Hope. Zigeyr commented. "This city is alive." He muses. "It pulses with the beating heart of humanity. Each person has a story to tell, a dream to chase, and a future to shape." Zigeyr wondered if he had seen these emotions anywhere else before. Yes, he had seen it. But it was very, very long ago. He had seen these emotions on the face of those young civilizations who had just started to thrive. The same were the gods. All early civilizations had tons of these emotions in them, but as their civilization grows, the peoples become more indifferent to these things. There were no desires in them, and they just wish to live as normally as they can. At that time, there were very rare peoples who wanted to achieve anything in their life. Some of them soon converted into those same peoples around them, while some of them resisted the conversion and struggled to become what they want. The Supremes also come into these categories.

Aside from the Primordials, other normal Supreme Gods were originally weak and powerless beings who struggled to become a Supreme God. They schemed, they fought, they struggled, they waited and they tried. After doing all the things they should had done, they reached the peak of universe. A Supreme God. A being worshiped by even all other gods.

Eventually, while walking, Zigeyr reached a graveyard. There were many graves present there. Some of them died naturally, while some of them died unnaturally. Zigeyr walked to the empty space. He pondered for a moment, and then a grave magically appeared from thin air.

On the grave a name was written. It was Xuhuna Xariot. Zigeyr stretched his hand and a soul appeared above it. Since in the end, Goddess Xuhuna became a mortal, her soul will follow the rules of mortals to be reincarnated. But Zigeyr prevented it. There is no need for a goddess to live a life as a mortal. The soul in his hand flew under the grave.

After the soul rested under the grave, Zigeyr put his right hand horizontally against his stomach and bowed.

It was respect.