A Place Where Both Hope And Despair Co-exists

The Central Hospital was a hospital where only rich peoples can throw their money. Though it was fairly a good hospital, but an average person cannot even think of stepping inside.

The rate of patients saved was much higher than the rate of died patients, that's why whenever something happened to someone, the first hospital they will think of will be The Central Hospital, of course the premise is that the person has to be rich.

Zigeyr was sitting on a chair, observing the surrounding peoples. The environment was heavy. Naturally, the ones who are in hospital will not be happy and laughing around. All the emotions of the peoples are shown here.

Worry, Tension, Hope, Despair, Helplessness, Wish and so-and-so. But here was Zigeyr with a smile on his face, sitting like he was at a park and watching the worries of others.

Suddenly, a cry sounded across the corridor. It was a cry of losing a loved one. Zigeyr turned to the origin and founded that a mother was holding a child of 9–10 years and her tears dropping on the boy's face.

All her prayers, wishes and practices towards gods were futile. Her son in the end was not saved. Her hope shattered and despair filled her heart as she cries towards the loss of her child. She had the wealth that she needed much, but even that was unable to bring back her lost child.

No one stopped her for crying, it was a normal thing in a hospital. The doctors and staff tried to console her, but she did not stop. Her family themselves were in grief. The females were just like the mother, tears flowing out from their eyes like a river. The males were little in control, though they themselves had tears filled in their eyes.

The heavy surrounding grew heavier in the grief of a family who lost their child. Suddenly, a woman walked through them and stood in front of the crying mother and her dead child. She was radiating a very holy aura and was brimming with life. Her face was incomparably beautiful, just like a goddess. She was so beautiful that she seemed to be out of place from the surrounding.

But what strange was that no one seems to notice her. If a normal human had seen her, they would have been stunned in awe, but the peoples around ignored her like she did not even exist.

The woman gazed at the dead child. She then stretched her right hand and placed it on the child's head. The child seems to have been hit by a vehicle but considering the injuries, he should have been easily saved by the doctors. It seems like someone interfered in the process. As for who is it, the woman already knows it.

Her hand which was placed upon the child's head started glowing with light greatly, but still no one noticed it. After some seconds, she retracted her hand and the 'dead' child opened his eyes and moved. The peoples were stunned. The tears of the family stopped, and they all just stared at her child coming back alive for some seconds. After some seconds, the family angrily glared at the doctors, who themselves just kept repeating "impossible".

Though, the reputation of the hospital got somewhat reduced but in the end, the child was saved, and the family was happy. That's all was needed to be done. After all, the tears of the family were not supposed to flow at this time. It was not the time for the child to die yet.

The woman turned towards Zigeyr, who was also staring at her. She walked towards the latter, who was still seated on the chair, watching the whole show with a smile.

She walked in the holiest way possible, without any vulgar moves and not needed steps. Zigeyr sighed at this. 'Don't they get tired acting this holy'.

The woman stands in front of Zigeyr and looked down upon him, "What is the reason for your presence here?" questioning him in a cold tone. Anyone can deduce from this that their relation does not seem good.

Zigeyr doesn't look at her, instead he turned his face away opposite to her. "Do you know, Goddess of Life, the hospital is a place where both hope and despair co-exists. The uncertainty about the well-being about their loved ones admitted here constantly torture their mind. The feeling of losing their loved one also terrifies their mind. There will always be chaos forming in their mind. And in the end, when they were constantly convincing themselves that the person admitted will be fine, then they heard the news of the death of their loved one."

"That change in their expression from hope to despair is a very relaxing thing to see. Their chaos finally emerging outside their mind and taking the form of anger, sadness and a desire. It makes my day."

"So you intervened and killed the boy just because you wanted to have fun?" The Goddess of Life, Eva, spoke in a cold tone and turned to see the direction Zigeyr was seeing. There was a family sitting and waiting in front of a door. Goddess Eva eye's passed through the room and saw a man going through the operation inside the room.

Outside were his family waiting for the operation's success. The doctors had already said that the chances of success of operation is 99 percent. The only circumstance in which the operation will fail will be the doctor's being in a foul mood and not focusing on the operation, which was obviously pretty much impossible. After all, no doctor would want his license being snatched away.

The operation was almost completed, and the doctors were now getting relaxed, but then suddenly, a snap sounded and the heart beat of the man going through the operation was gone.

The doctors and nurses were stunned, but they quickly recovered and started finding the mistake they had done, though now they were not that relaxed and were pretty anxious.

"You!" Goddess Eva saw the thing done by Zigeyr. He snapped, and the sound of the snap sounded inside the very soul of the man. Though for other peoples, they might not even hear the sound of snap, but that very sound of snap sounded like multiple planets getting destroyed to the soul of the man. Hearing this voice, the weak and fragile soul was instantly crumbled.

In the previous case of the boy, Zigeyr had just killed the boy, not his soul. But this time, the very soul was destroyed, leaving Goddess Eva being unable to do anything in her current state.