What Would You Had Choose?

The doctors were unable to save the man. Soon, the news of death was passed on to the family, who were waiting outside. The family members who had been praying fervently are left devastated by this turn of event.

The family members, distraught and filled with grief, collapse onto each other, their sobs echoing through the hospital corridors.

The Goddess of Life, Eva, was incensed by his actions. "You are truly beyond redemption." She says, her voice cold with fury. "Your twisted sense of amusement will not go unpunished. Her Excellency will surely take revenge for the dead ones."

With that, she turns and disappear. As for the so-called 'Her Excellency', Zigeyr naturally know who she was talking about. "Truly a great devouter. Even now, she has great faith in Benevolent."

Benevolent, one of the Primordial Supreme, who had yet to be awakened along with another one. Benevolent, as the name suggests, is truly a benevolent goddess who really loves the universe and it's inhabitants.

The Goddess of Life is naturally more favorable towards life than death. Though she doesn't reject the concept called death, but she despises the killing done by the Supremes.

Her belief is that the Supremes are the protector of the universe, and they shouldn't indulge in killing at all. Other Supremes naturally ignored her, and she really has bad relations with the Supremes who are more inclined towards evil.

The Goddess of Destruction, Xuhuna was one of those, and it can be said that these two were pretty much mortal enemies.

Zigeyr stood up from the chair and started roaming around the corridor. He was still not satisfied. He wants to see more despairing face.

And so, he encounters many peoples who were on verge of getting new life but just because of that, their whole life got snuffed out by a cruel god. A boy who was going to get new eyes, a girl who was finally going to stand up again and e.t.c.

Zigeyr, after a long time, finally leaves the Central Hospital, leaving behind a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams.

The sun was settling, the stars and the moon were started to come in view. This day, the Central Hospital was doomed to be infamous.


On another hand, in Aidni, Gaul, the father of Kiara was sitting on a chair in a garden. There were two chairs which surrounded a small table on which some photos were kept.

The photos were depicting many unimaginable building which suddenly appeared around the world. Gaul was seeing one of the photos in his hand, which depicts a normal looking but unrealistically huge house.

The emergence of some supernatural beings have alerted the whole world. The public themselves know about these sudden appearances.

"Sorry for the wait, father." Suddenly, a smooth voice sounded and Kiara walked towards one of the empty chairs.

Gaul was stunned after seeing Kiara's face. Gaul had grown his daughter completely alone after Kiara's mother died shortly after his legs were broken. That's why it was one of his responsibility to never let Kiara feel the need of her mother.

He had seen his daughter grown from a child to a gracious lady. But until now, he had never seen her this beautiful. All the small pimples on her face were no more in existence. Her skin was clean, without any trace of dirtiness.

"Father." Kiara's smooth and soft voice awakened Gaul. He blinked five times before asking, "Are you really my daughter?"

Kiara was not surprised by her father's unbelievable response to her upgraded beauty. She also had the same reaction as her father when she saw herself in the mirror after advancing to Peak 2nd Stage.

She smiled, and her soft voice again sounded in Gaul ear's, "I am indeed your daughter, father." She sat on the chair and picked up a photo placed on the table. It was yet another anomalous thing for humans. A gigantic palace can be seen in the photo. There were many dragon statues placed around this palace. There was also a huge gate at the center of the palace. A name can be seen written above the gate.

Dragon Palace!

'Dragons?' Kiara thought of this word and then placed the photo back on the table. Both father and the daughter were silent. They didn't know from where should they start with. The recent events are probably the strangest in this century.

The silence was broken with a question from Kiara.

"Father, let's imagine that in the past when you lost against Idom and your legs were broken, then you suddenly gained three wishes. You can ask for anything that can be possible, even make yourself an all-powerful god, make yourself prime minister or even revive those who are dead. Then what would you have done with these three wishes?" Upon and after asking this question, Kiara did not meet her father's eyes at all.

Gaul was surprised upon her daughter's unusual question. Though he did not know the reason for her asking this question, he did not ask her and fell into deep thought. Kiara patiently waited for her father's answer.

After some thought, Gaul answered,

"During the time, when my legs were broken, my anger was at my peak. My first wish would have been probably to make Idom suffer the same fate." Gaul slightly smiled and looked at Kiara, "My second wish would have been the great and safe future for my family and nation." Then he raised his head to look towards the sky, "My last wish would have been the ability to soar in the sky." After finishing his answer, Gaul silently looked towards his daughter.

Kiara did not speak, nor she looked at her father. She was quite surprised by her father's answer. Her eyes still staring at the beautiful flower grown in the garden, she asked in a surprised tone, "You would not ask for divine powers, make yourself prime minister or revive someone close to you?"

The wishes made by her father were simple. Aside from the last wish, the rest could be completed given if a person made hard efforts.

The ability to fly, Though it is not normal, but it is a very common wish. Her confused voice sounded once again before her father could answer, "Not even your ability to walk again?"