A Talk Between A Father And Daughter

Gaul was surprised by his daughter's words. In fact, he did not even consider the wish to gain the ability to walk again. It seems that his daughter is too fixated upon her father's broken legs.

Gaul sighed as he spoke, "It's not that I don't want to have these things, you mentioned, but it's just that there are too many uncertainties in these wishes. I would love to have the divine powers, but I don't know whether it will have any bad effects on my own body or not."

"I would also love to be a prime minister, but will I be strong and experienced enough to be in the post of prime minister if I just get it from a wish."

"I would also love to revive someone close to me, but will the revived person be same and if they are same then what explanation would be suitable for him/her and the world for this miraculous event."

As for my ability to walk, I did not even consider it. You have to understand, Kiara, that when one have too many responsibilities, then they cease to think about themselves. Just like me."

As Gaul finished, Kiara finally looked at her father. It was unknown whether what her father said was right or wrong, but she was no longer confused. It seems that in the greed of power and desire of revenge, she was deviated from her true goal. Her true goal, to take care of her family and the nation.

Kiara's eyes then shifted towards the photo, which Gaul was still holding. "What do you think of these photos. Father?" She directly changed the topic.

Gaul eyes also shifted towards the photo in his hand. It was still the normal but somehow abnormal house. "I.... I don't know. If it was only one country then I could have said that it is a play done by someone but.. But these things are distributed across the world and emerged in just in morning. There are even real videos present on the internet, I am left with no choice but to accept this strange things."

Gaul eyes deeply stared into the photo in his hand as if he will be devoured by the house in the photo. He also felt that as he was watching the house in the photo, the house was also watching him. "And... It also gives me a strange feeling. Like no matter what, I just want to see this photo, no matter what...."

Gaul unconsciously started getting his face near the photo as he wanted to see what was inside the house. But just then, "It's enough, father." Kiara stretched her hand and snatched the photo from Gaul's hand. "You have stared at this for too long."

Gaul blinked his eyes several times before looking back at her daughter. "They are really strange. These photos, They seem to have hypnotizing effects?" Gaul rubbed his eyes.

Kiara did not look at the photo and just kept it on the table. "It seems that the whole world is trying to investigate these things, except for our government. They did not even send anyone near the two big castles which appeared in the nations like they don't even care about them. Even the photos are taken by our peoples. What are they trying to do?"

Gaul was silent. He can also not think why the government had still not sent anyone to investigate these things. Are they afraid of them? Or are they going to treat them as a holy symbol?

"Well, for now, you should think about the upcoming election. It is just three months away. Honestly, I am still surprised that the elections are going to happen. With the attitude of the government, I really thought that the nation is going to adapt dictatorship. Now, let's see that if the election will be a fair one."

Kiara quietly listened to her father's words before asking, "I know I am a bit late, but father, what do you think of the new name of the nation?"

Gaul was once again silent for a while before answering, "The name has been changed to religion name. It will surely divide the different religious communities in the nation. There will be a lot of problems, and it will surely affect the upcoming election. Though there are demerits, but there are also some merits like the peoples who follow Udnihsm will be more nationalist and their loyalty will increase. But overall, the name change is a very bad move done by the government."

Kiara nods as she listened to her father attentively. Then, she stood up from the chair, "Thank you father for solving my doubts. I will bring your wheelchair." Since they were going to have a private chat, there was no need for guards to be present.

After bringing the wheelchair and helping her father sat on it, Kiara pushed the chair towards the exit. "I would like to see some more scenery. If you are comfortable, then can you help me."

Kiara smiled as she changed her direction, "You are making me feel ashamed. There is no need to talk so formally."

Gaul also smiled, "Then why are you so formal with me. Is there a need to say thank you for talking with your father." Gaul, while sitting, placed his hand on Kiara's hand. "Kiara, It is good to learn good manners and formality, but there is no need to bring those in our family."

"Election is not just your final goal. There is much more than that in the world. You also have to explore them. I don't want my daughter to have arranged marriage like me." Gaul laughed.

The laughter of a father and her daughter filled the garden's incomplete beauty. There is no need to focus on a single thing in your entire lifetime. The world is much bigger than that. It's a fortune for one to have two hands, and legs. Gaul's words were indeed correct. The election was not just the final destination. The road is still ahead. But the road ahead is different from the road in the minds of both Gaul and his daughter.