You Want Me to Sleep with You? (2)

Penelope's heart raced as she stood before her enigmatic husband, Raven, her eyes betraying a mixture of apprehension and defiance. The mere presence of the tall, dark-haired man loomed over her like a shadow, sending shivers down her spine. She forced herself to meet his intense gaze, feeling a flutter of nerves in her stomach.

"I merely your wife, it is my duty to fulfill all aspects of our marriage," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Raven stepped closer to her, his hand reaching out to gently tilt her chin up, forcing her to meet his piercing gaze. Penelope's cheeks flushed at his touch, feeling a strange mix of fear and something she couldn't quite name. 

"You're blushing. It's quite endearing," he remarked, amusement dancing in his dark eyes. 

Her embarrassment threatened to consume her as his words echoed in her mind. But despite the tension between them and the rumors she had heard about Raven's steely demeanor, there was an undeniable pull toward him that she couldn't ignore. 

As Raven's thumb brushed lightly against her cheek, Penelope felt a shiver run down her spine. His touch was surprisingly gentle,starkly contrasting to the stories she had heard about his cold nature. At that moment, she saw a flicker of something in his eyes—was it vulnerability, longing, or perhaps something more profound that he kept hidden beneath his composed facade? 

"I understand that what we have is an arranged marriage," Raven began, his voice low and intimate. "But I also believe in mutual respect and understanding between partners. If you have any reservations or fears, I urge you to voice them. I do not wish you to feel trapped or suffocated in this union. We don't need to be at odds with each other; we can work together to find a balance that suits us both." 

Raven's unexpected vulnerability caught her off guard, and she reconsidered all her preconceived notions about him. Perhaps there was more to this man than met the eye. 

His unexpected display of consideration caught Penelope off guard. It was a side of him she hadn't expected to see—one that hinted at layers beneath his aloof exterior. 

"I... I just thought..." Penelope faltered, struggling to find the right words. 

"You thought that as husband and wife, we would share a bed," he finished her sentence, his tone gentle. 

Penelope nodded hesitantly, feeling relief and apprehension wash over her. She had never been in this situation before and never imagined herself married to a man like Raven Hendrix. Her upbringing had been modest and unassuming, far removed from the opulent world she now found herself in.

Raven's expression softened slightly as he studied her face. He seemed to sense her unease and stepped back, giving her some space. 

"We have time. There's no need to rush into anything," Raven said calmly, his voice surprisingly gentle. 

Penelope felt relief wash over her at his words. She realized that perhaps Raven wasn't as cold and unyielding as she initially thought. There was a complexity to him that she hadn't expected, which intrigued and bewildered her. 

"I don't expect anything from you that you're not ready for," he said softly, his eyes searching hers for any sign of discomfort. 

A flicker of gratitude towards Raven for his understanding bloomed in Penelope's chest, warming her from within. She cleared her throat, her voice steadier this time, as she met his gaze with newfound determination. 

"Thank you, Mr. Hendrix," she began, the use of his first name feeling foreign and yet strangely intimate on her lips. "I appreciate your consideration. I...I just need some time to adjust to all of this." 

Raven nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips—a rare sight that softened the sharp angles of his features. Penelope thought smiling suited him, and he should do it more often. 

"Just Raven. I take it. Am I allowed to call you Penelope?" When Penelope nodded her consent, he continued, "Then take all the time you need, Penelope. I will be here whenever you're ready. Take a rest tonight. We can discuss the rest tomorrow morning." 

As he turned to leave the room, Penelope couldn't help but watch him go with mixed emotions swirling inside her. She had expected a cold and distant husband but found a man of surprising depth and sensitivity in Raven Hendrix. She had braced herself for a marriage devoid of emotions, a transactional agreement sealed with duty and formality. But the man standing before her now offered her patience and reassurance, something she hadn't anticipated. 

She walked over to the window and gazed out at the moonlit grounds of the estate. The vastness of it all felt overwhelming, and Penelope couldn't suppress feeling alone. She couldn't help but worry about her sisters, especially Melody, as they had yet to know her whereabouts. She also couldn't believe she was a married woman now, married to one of the most sought-after bachelors in the city, Raven Hendrix. 

Penelope feared for the worst, but her new husband was unexpectedly considerate and understanding. Perhaps what the public did not know about Raven Hendrix was the compassion and kindness he reserved for those closest to him. 

Sighing to herself, Penelope shed her bridal dress and entered the bathroom for a long soak before retiring. 

The events of the evening left Penelope in a state of contemplation as she retired to her new quarters, the room feeling both unfamiliar and strangely comforting at the same time. She changed into a simple nightgown and settled into the plush bedding, the day's events replaying in her mind like a vivid dream.

As she drifted into a restless slumber, fragmented images, and emotions danced through her thoughts. Memories of Melody's tearful face as she begged her for help, her mother's meltdown before the wedding ceremony after they found out of Melody's disappearance, and finally, Raven Hendrix's intense gaze and his unexpected gentleness towards her, and the way his smile had momentarily transformed his stern countenance, lingered in her mind. 

Penelope could only hope things would change for the better for her family soon.