Husband and Wife (1)

The morning light filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a soft glow in the room as Penelope stirred awake. She sat up, blinking away the remnants of sleep, her mind slowly adjusting to the reality of her surroundings.

As Penelope dressed and made her way downstairs, she found Raven already seated at the breakfast table, engrossed in what seemed to be a stack of paperwork. He looked up as she entered the room, offering her a small smile that tugged at her heartstrings. 

"Good morning, Penelope," he greeted her, gesturing for her to take a seat across from him. "I hope you slept well." 

Penelope returned his greeting with a nod, taking the seat opposite him. The tension from last night appeared to have subsided, and now there was a sense of cautious curiosity between them. 

"I did, thank you," she replied softly, pouring herself a cup of tea. The silence that settled between them was comfortable, a far cry from the uncertainty that had plagued their interaction the night before. 

Raven set aside his paperwork and regarded her thoughtfully. 

"I wanted to discuss our living arrangements," he began, his tone businesslike yet not devoid of warmth. "I understand if you prefer separate quarters, given the circumstances of our marriage." 

Penelope considered his offer, feeling a strange mix of relief and disappointment at the thought of maintaining distance between them. However, she couldn't understand why she felt this way towards his suggestion. 

"Sure, let's do that." She paused for a moment before cautiously saying, "So about you and my mother's deal…" 

Penelope's heart sank as she posed the question to her husband, instantly regretting bringing up their arranged marriage. It felt uncomfortable broaching the subject that had brought them together in the first place. She feared his reaction, worried he might view her as others did—just another gold digger.

After all, she was well aware of the rumors surrounding her family and their desperate attempts to save their business after their father passed away. As much as she wanted to forget it all, the weight of their financial troubles weighed heavily on her mind. 

But Raven surprised her with his calm response, his expression unreadable. Was this really the same man she had married for money? 

"I understand your curiosity, Penelope," he began, his voice steady and composed. "I made a promise to your mother, and I intend to keep it. You don't need to worry about your family's finances from now on. My assistant has already delivered the $100 million your mother requested—enough to cover any debts and expenses." 

Penelope sat in stunned silence, trying to process his words. She had expected a cold-hearted businessman, not someone who genuinely seemed to care about her well-being and that of her family. She couldn't help but wonder if there was some hidden motive behind his actions—no one does something like this without expecting something in return. 

Gathering her courage, Penelope finally voiced the question that had been nagging at her since they met. 

"Why are you doing this?" Her voice was barely above a whisper, unsure of what kind of answer she would receive. 

Raven met her gaze with unwavering eyes, searching for hers for a moment before answering softly yet sincerely. 

"I made a promise to your mother, didn't I? And it wouldn't reflect well on me if people spoke ill of my wife's family. But beyond that, I see the burden that has been placed on you and your family, and I want to help ease it in any way I can."

His words struck a chord deep within Penelope, stirring emotions she had long suppressed under the facade of strength she wore like armor. She felt vulnerable before her husband, a man she was supposed to be a stranger to yet who seemed to see through her walls with unsettling ease.

His actions left her feeling exposed, with raw emotions bubbling to the surface as she struggled to maintain her composure. Her eyes watered with unshed tears, but she quickly blinked them back fiercely, unwilling to show such vulnerability in front of him. 

"Thank you," she finally managed to say, her voice barely audible. "I... I don't know what else to say." 

Raven's gaze remained steady as he met her searching eyes, seeming to understand the whirlwind of thoughts racing through her mind. 

"You don't have to say anything, Penelope," he replied gently. "Just know that I made a promise and intend to keep it." 

As the weight of his words settled over her, Penelope felt a mix of emotions swirling within her: gratitude, confusion, and a glimmer of something else she couldn't quite put into words. For the first time since her father's passing, she allowed herself to entertain the possibility that there might be light at the end of the tunnel. 

But as silence enveloped them again, Penelope grappled with conflicting emotions. She couldn't deny the relief that washed over her at the knowledge that her family would be taken care of, yet a part of her remained guarded, wary of Raven's true intentions despite his seemingly genuine actions.

She found it hard to believe that someone like Raven Hendrix would easily be content with having her as his wife. Penelope didn't think he would get something as valuable in return as the $100 million he had willingly given her family. She thought there had to be more to the story, her mind racing with unanswered questions. But as she gazed into Raven's deep, enigmatic eyes, she found herself drawn to a sense of trust she couldn't quite explain.

Penelope couldn't fathom why her heart raced whenever their eyes met or why his seemingly small gestures of kindness made her feel a warmth she hadn't experienced in a long time. Even their kiss during their wedding was chaste and gentle, yet it sparked a flame within her that she couldn't ignore.

As much as she tried to compartmentalize her feelings and rationalize the situation, Penelope couldn't shake the magnetic pull that Raven seemed to have over her. 

Lost in her thoughts, Penelope realized Raven was still watching her, his gaze penetrating yet oddly comforting. She offered him a tentative smile, feeling a flicker of something akin to trust blossoming within her. 

"Thank you again, Raven," she said softly, her voice filled with sincerity. "I appreciate everything you've done for my family." 

Raven inclined his head, a ghost of a smile playing on his lips. 

"You don't need to thank me, Penelope. As my wife, your well-being is now my responsibility as well."