You Have Me Now (1)

Penelope hadn't seen her husband the entire day, but she was relieved to be alone to sort her thoughts out. Around lunchtime, she found out that Raven didn't keep a lot of servants on his estate. There were only five people she'd met and seen on her first day, which made Penelope realize that Raven preferred a more private and secluded lifestyle. 

A butler handled most of the household tasks, a cook prepared all of their meals, a housekeeper cleaned their rooms, and a gardener tended to the grounds. Then there was Martha, who was now assigned as Penelope's personal assistant, taking care of her schedule and correspondence. 

"Master Raven preferred to keep everything low-key and intimate, away from prying eyes," Martha said as she served the tea for Penelope in the garden. "If there's something you need, just let me know, and I'll do my best to assist you." 

"Thank you, Martha. I appreciate your kindness." Penelope replied. 

From what Penelope heard, Martha was her husband's nanny from a young age. Ever since his parents died, Raven has kept Martha on staff as a loyal and trusted companion. It was clear to Penelope that Martha played a significant role in Raven's life and household. 

The old woman smiled genuinely at Penelope. She was relieved that the woman her master was married to be some gold digger or social climber. Despite the rumors surrounding the Dimitriou sisters, Martha found Penelope to be sincere and kind-hearted. 

"Master is busy these days, but he already plans to set the date for your honeymoon trip. He might look stern and serious, but he truly cares for you," Martha assured Penelope. 

Penelope was forced to smile. She didn't know what made the older woman think that she and Raven were in love with each other. They married for convenience, and although she was glad her husband wanted to make the marriage work, she couldn't deny that they had no romantic feelings. 

"It's alright. I'm more surprised he easily agreed to get married, given how private and quiet he is," she replied. 

Martha released a sigh as if she had been holding her breath for too long.

"You don't know how worried I was because I thought he would never find someone who could understand him like you do. After his falling out with his first girlfriend a long time ago, I was concerned that he may never open up to anyone again. But you proved me wrong." 

Penelope chose to remain silent. She didn't want to raise the older woman's expectations or give false hope. She was aware of her relationship with her husband, and although there were no romantic feelings between them, Penelope thought they could be civil with each other.

"Master also asked us to bring a seamstress to make your wardrobe more fitting for your new role," Martha informed Penelope. 

Penelope felt uncomfortable. She hadn't brought any clothes, as she hadn't expected to be married to Raven yesterday instead of her sister. She was still processing the fact that she was now married to him. 

"But I can ask my sisters to bring my things in here. You don't need to bother with that." 

"Oh, that won't do, my dear." Martha said with a smile, "You are his wife now, and it's only proper we provide you with everything you need." 

Penelope couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the thought of inconveniencing the household staff further. She didn't want to be a burden, especially when she still felt like an outsider in this new and unexpected marriage. However, Martha's warm smile and reassuring words put her at ease. 

"Thank you, Martha. I truly appreciate all the trouble you're going through for me," Penelope said with genuine gratitude. "I'll make sure to inform my sisters to send over my belongings as soon as possible." 

Martha nodded approvingly, clearly pleased by Penelope's response. 

"You are most welcome, my dear. We want you to feel comfortable and at home here with us." 

As Martha left to attend to her duties, Penelope found herself wandering through the garden, taking in the beauty of her new surroundings. The sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over everything it touched. 

Lost in her thoughts, Penelope almost didn't notice Raven approaching her until he stood right before her. His expression was unreadable as usual, but there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he regarded her. 

"I hope you're finding everything to your liking, Penelope," Raven said in his deep voice, his tone neutral. 

Penelope smiled politely, feeling a flutter of nerves at being alone with him. She wasn't quite sure how to act around her new husband, especially given their somewhat unconventional circumstances. 

"Everything is lovely, thank you," she replied, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. 

Raven's gaze lingered on her for a moment before he spoke again. 

"Martha mentioned that we should start planning our honeymoon. I trust you have some preferences?" 

Penelope blinked twice and stared at her husband. Since this was just a marriage of convenience between them, she wasn't expecting that Raven would want to plan a honeymoon. But there was no denying that he was being considerate and trying to make the best of their situation. Penelope took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts before answering. 

"I... I haven't really thought about it," she admitted, feeling a blush creeping up her cheeks. "I suppose somewhere quiet and peaceful would be nice." 

Raven nodded thoughtfully, his gaze seeming to see right through her. 

"I'll take care of the arrangements then. You need not worry about a thing." 

Penelope felt relief and apprehension at his words. On one hand, she was grateful that Raven was taking charge of the honeymoon planning, but on the other hand, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease at the prospect of spending time alone with him. 

As Raven turned to leave, Penelope's voice stopped him in his tracks. Her curiosity got the best of her, and she couldn't stop herself from questioning her husband. 

"Raven, why did you agree to this marriage? Why me?" 

When her husband remained silent, she continued, "I know you weren't in a hurry to get married and didn't have to agree with my proposition to replace my sister on the altar." 

Penelope rubbed her arm, a habit she used to do whenever she was nervous. 

"I failed to see what you would gain from this marriage you have with me."