You Have Me Now (2)

Raven's eyes bore into hers, his expression inscrutable. After a moment of contemplation, he finally spoke in his usual measured tone. 

"I saw an opportunity for both of us," he began, his voice calm yet firm. "You needed a way out of a difficult situation, and I needed someone who could understand the life I lead." 

Penelope furrowed her brow, confusion etching her features. 

"This marriage may have started out of convenience, but I believe there is potential for us to make it something more. I honestly find you attractive, Miss Dimitriou." He smiled. "I agreed to this union because I see in your qualities that I admire and respect. You are intelligent, kind-hearted, and strong-willed, and I believe we can complement each other well." 

He paused, his piercing gaze never leaving hers. 

"As for why you specifically... It was not solely about you but also the circumstances that brought us together. I have my reasons, just as I'm sure you had yours for proposing such a daring plan." 

Penelope felt her heart skip a beat as she listened to her husband. 

"I have no doubt you've already run a background check on me and knew me by now." She said barely a whisper. "Knowing these, you still want me to become your wife?" 

Raven shortened the distance between them and reached out to touch a few of her dark locks without breaking their eye contact. He slowly lowered his head and kissed the tips of her hair. 

"I am aware of your past, Penelope," Raven responded softly, his breath warm against her hair. "And yet, I chose you because I saw the strength in you that you may not even see in yourself." 

He lifted his gaze to meet hers, his eyes searching. 

"I have my own secrets and demons, just as we all do. But I believe that your past doesn't define you as a person." 

Penelope's heart fluttered at his words, a myriad of emotions swirling within her. She couldn't deny the unexpected warmth that spread through her at his touch and his confession. It was a strange and unfamiliar sensation that she found herself drawn to. 

However, she couldn't stop the shame that bubbled up inside her, threatening to overwhelm the fragile peace she felt at that moment. Despite Raven's reassuring words, Penelope couldn't shake off the guilt that gnawed at her insides. 

How could he possibly see any worth in her, knowing the mistakes she had made in the past? The weight of her secrets felt heavier than ever, and she was afraid that if Raven truly knew the extent of her sins, he would regret ever agreeing to this marriage. 

Would Raven still look at her with warmth and understanding if he knew the truth? 

As if sensing her inner turmoil, Raven gently took her hand in his, his touch grounding her in the present moment. 

"My dear wife, we all have our own burdens to bear," he murmured his voice a soothing balm to her troubled soul. "What matters is how we choose to carry them and move forward from our past."

"I... I appreciate your faith in me, Raven," Penelope began, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I truly do…but there are things about my past... things you don't know... that might change how you see me." 

"Is that why you thought I would divorce you in due time?" He asked. 

Penelope lowered her gaze and nodded. 

"I-I'm not suitable to be your wife." She looked away. "You told me last night I shouldn't bring shame to your family, but it seems unavoidable, Raven, given the past I have." 

Raven's expression remained impassive, but his eyes softened with understanding. He gently lifted her chin with his finger, tilting her face to meet his gaze. 

"Penelope, we all carry our burdens and our regrets," he murmured, his thumb tracing a soothing pattern on her cheek. "But I made a choice to stand by you, no matter what may come to light. Trust in me enough to share your demons with me. You don't have to face them on your own." 

Penelope felt a tear slip down her cheek as she gazed into Raven's unwavering eyes. His words touched something deep within her soul, a longing for acceptance and forgiveness that she had buried for so long. 

Her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at him, searching his eyes for any hint of deception. What she found instead was a vulnerability that mirrored her own. She had been so focused on protecting herself and her sisters that she hadn't allowed herself to feel or confront her own emotions. 

As her tears continued to fall, Raven drew her into his embrace. His hand traced soothing circles on her back, his silent presence a comfort she hadn't known she needed. Penelope couldn't understand why he was so calm after finding out what kind of person she was in the past. It might have happened a long time ago, and though she didn't expect anyone to remember what she'd done, the pain it left to her family was undeniable. It was also one of the reasons why her mother didn't seek a suitable husband for her. 

Penelope thought she would have enough time to let Raven see that she was a changed person and could tell him about her past, but she'd forgotten how thorough the Montgomery family was. It was a miracle the Montgomery couple and Raven agreed to proceed with the wedding ceremony despite her past looming over her like a dark cloud. She had hoped to leave her past behind when she made the daring proposal to switch places with her sister, but now it seemed her past was catching up to her faster than she could have ever imagined. 

Raven's steady heartbeat beneath her ear offered a sense of security that Penelope desperately clung to in that moment of vulnerability. She knew she had a choice: continue hiding behind the walls she had built around herself or take a leap of faith and trust Raven with the truth. 

Feeling his warmth seep into her very being, Penelope made her decision. She pulled away slightly from Raven's embrace, her eyes searching his for any sign of judgment. Instead, she found only compassion and understanding reflected back at her. 

"I... There are things in my past that I haven't told you," Penelope began, her voice barely above a whisper. "Things that might change how you see me." 

Raven remained silent, his gaze encouraging her to continue. He held her close, his arms a comforting shield around her trembling form. He could sense the storm of emotions raging within her. 

"My family has always been protective of me, especially my father," Penelope confessed, feeling the weight of her words lifting off her shoulders. "But I wasn't always the obedient daughter they wanted me to be. There was a time when I... I made choices that I'm not proud of." 

"Shhh…" Raven placed his forefinger against her lips, stopping her midway through her confession. He reached out to cup her cheek gently, his touch grounding her in that moment of vulnerability. 

"I don't expect you to share your secrets with me until you're ready. I'm sorry for making you cry on our first day as husband and wife. Who you are in the present is what matters most to me," he said softly, his eyes filled with understanding. "You may have secrets and shadows in your past, but I have faith in the person you are now, Penelope. We all carry scars from our past. Whatever it is that you carry within you, know that you don't have to face it alone. You have me now. I'm here for you, now and always."