A Poisonous Woman (1)

Penelope was ashamed of her earlier outburst, so the atmosphere between her and her husband during dinner was tense and awkward. She mentally berated herself for being careless and letting her emotions get the best of her. She struggled to find the right words to apologize and make amends with Raven.

"I don't know what you want to eat, so I asked Martha to bring some dishes you may like," Raven said, trying to break the tension between them. 

Penelope looked at various dishes before her and tried the pasta dish Raven had recommended. She took a bite and smiled, grateful for Raven's thoughtful gesture. 

"I'm not a picky eater but allergic to walnuts and other tree nuts." She told her husband. 

"Alright. I will inform the cook about your allergy." Raven reassured her, making a mental note to inform the cook before preparing the meal for the next day. 

"I already booked our honeymoon trip this coming weekend," he continued. "If you want to see your family, you may visit them before our departure. I can ask my driver to take you there." 

Penelope looked at her husband in surprise. 

"You'll do that for me?" she asked incredulously. 

Raven raised a brow in question. 

"Penelope, just because we're married doesn't mean you have to cut ties with your family. I know you love them more than anything else in the world, and I won't take them away from you." 

Penelope smiled at her husband's considerate words. She hadn't expected his understanding and support after her earlier behavior. It starkly contrasted what she had anticipated when they first entered this marriage of convenience. 

"Thank you, Raven," she managed to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "I would love to visit my family before our trip." 

As they finished their dinner, the atmosphere between them had lightened considerably. Penelope found herself relaxing in Raven's presence. She felt fortunate that she didn't marry an overbearing man who would force his way on her. The rumors about her husband seemed unfounded and merely a ploy to deceive the public eye. Perhaps there was more to Raven than met the eye, and Penelope found herself intrigued by the mystery that shrouded her husband. 

There wasn't much known about Raven Hendrix aside from two corporations he inherited from his parents. Even the details of his parents' death were concealed and kept under tight wraps, leaving many to speculate about the tragic events that had left him an orphan. 

Penelope had heard whispers of foul play, of dark family secrets that Raven was desperate to keep hidden from prying eyes. But as she sat across from him at the dinner table, watching how his eyes softened as he spoke to her, she couldn't reconcile the image of a caring husband with the one painted by the rumors. 

"I'll also hire a few bodyguards for you if you don't mind." She heard her husband say, pulling Penelope out of her deep thought. 

"Oh, I don't mind. Safety first." She replied with a nod, feeling a sense of relief at her husband's consideration for her well-being. The idea of bodyguards was both comforting and unsettling, a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked beyond the walls of Raven's luxurious estate. 

Raven visibly relaxed upon hearing her answer. 

"I just want you to be safe, Penelope. I know our arrangement is not conventional, but I care about your well-being." 

Penelope smiled at him. How could she forget what kind of man she was married to? Raven Hendrix wasn't a man of few words, but his actions spoke volumes. He had a reputation of being a ruthless businessman who had enemies waiting for a chance to reveal his weaknesses. This was why she understood his need to ensure her safety. She also didn't want others to think they could use him to harm her husband in any way. 

"I understand. You don't have to explain yourself, Raven, but thank you for considering my opinion." She answered. 

Raven's expression softened even more at her understanding response. 

"I'm glad you understand, Penelope," he said sincerely. "I know this situation is not ideal for either of us, but I want you to feel safe and cared for in this marriage. Since you are my wife, it's only natural that I prioritize your safety. I will not confine you at home to keep you safe, but I would appreciate it if you could inform me if you plan to go out alone. I will make sure the bodyguards maintain a discreet presence to not intrude on your privacy." Raven assured her. 

Penelope easily agreed to his request. It wasn't like she had any intention to step out and socialize with other people considering the reputation she had before. The less exposure she had, the fewer chances others could use her to hurt Raven's reputation. It wouldn't do Raven any good if she became a target for those seeking to tarnish his name, and Penelope was determined not to let that happen. 

She lowered her gaze, hiding the coldness that suddenly filled her eyes. It had been five years since her fall. She was deemed as the evil woman who had ruined the lives of her lover's family, especially his younger sister. Amanda Oliver was unable to walk again after that dreadful day. The accident did not only cripple Amanda but also their family business, and it was all due to Penelope's doing. 

Her actions deemed her as a poisonous woman who only knew how to destroy everything she touched. Of course, Penelope won't dare claim that she is innocent. She was called a 'Poisonous Witch' for a reason. Because of the horrible things she did, it was no wonder no one had sought her hand for marriage for the past five years since her falling out with her ex-lover, Lance Oliver. 

Penelope was ostracized from high society, her name synonymous with disgrace and deceit. But the truth was far more sinister than the rumors circulating her. 

And yet, here she was, married to a man who genuinely cared for her well-being. It was a stark contrast to the way she had been treated by society after that fateful incident. She had fallen from grace. The once revered as the belle of the upper circle with a poisonous heart was nothing but an empty shell of her former self. But Raven had seen beyond the rumors and the whispers, seeing the woman she was now, not the one she had once been. 

Penelope's mind drifted back to that fateful night as she traced the rim of her wine glass with a delicate finger. The betrayal, the shattered trust, and the desperate struggle to break free from a web of lies that threatened to consume her very soul. She knew it was pointless to change everyone's perception of her. Penelope never cared what others thought of her anymore; she had expected that she might never marry. 

However, as she looked at the man seated across from her, Penelope laughed inwardly. Raven Hendrix must have some loose screws on his head if she deemed her suitable for becoming his wife.