A Moment With You (2)

Raven watched as his wife dozed into a deep sleep next to him after a few rounds of lovemaking. Penelope looked exhausted but content as she slept peacefully, her chest rising and falling steadily. Raven brushed a strand of hair away from her face, feeling pleased that she was finally his wife. 

Wife. Raven smiled at himself with contentment. 

How long had he waited for this moment? Raven had already lost count of the days. He couldn't believe it had finally happened.

No matter how hard he tried to convince himself that this was real, it still felt like a dream. He loved her for as long as he could remember. He tried his best to distance himself from her and move on, but his feelings never faded. His thoughts would always drift back to her.

Finally, after all this time, she was his. 

He lay there, allowing the gravity of the moment to sink in, savoring the scent of her skin that lingered in the room. The flickering candlelight cast a soft glow on her face, illuminating her peaceful expression in slumber. Raven couldn't resist the urge to lean in and press a gentle kiss on her forehead, his heart overflowing with love for this woman who now bore his name.

As Penelope slept, Raven's heart swelled with emotion. The years of longing and pining seemed like a distant memory now that she was finally by his side, their bodies entwined in the aftermath of their passion. 

But even as he reveled in the joy of having her as his wife, a shadow of doubt flickered in the recesses of his mind. What if this happiness was too good to be true? What if some unseen force conspired to tear them apart once more? Raven shook his head, banishing the dark thoughts that threatened to spoil the moment.

He gazed at Penelope, her face bathed in the soft light filtering through the curtains. She stirred slightly, nuzzling closer to him in her sleep, and Raven felt a surge of tenderness overwhelm him. He promised then and there to do everything in his power to protect and cherish her for all the days of his life. 

With that resolve firm in his heart, Raven closed his eyes, letting sleep claim him as well, content in the knowledge that they were finally together. 

Penelope woke up to the sound of waves. Next to her, Raven slept with one arm draped over her midsection, his naked body resting against hers. She smiled, feeling a sense of profound peace and happiness wash over her. She turned slightly to look at his face, marveling at the tranquility that seemed to settle on his features as he slept. 

The early morning light filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow on the room. Penelope listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore—a soothing lullaby that filled her heart with contentment. She had never felt at peace like this for a long time and wondered how long it would last. 

Penelope turned slightly to look at Raven's peaceful face; his features relaxed in sleep. She could hear the distant cry of birds and the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore. It felt like a dream—a perfect moment frozen in time.

She gently disengaged herself from Raven's embrace, careful not to wake him. Her muscles ached pleasantly, reminding her of how passionately her husband had loved her last night. As she eased herself off the bed and onto the soft carpet, Penelope spotted her clothing thrown carelessly on a nearby chair. She walked over to it, picking up a silky robe. She slipped into it, feeling the soft fabric against her skin.

Padding softly across the room, Penelope made her way to the window and drew back the curtains, revealing a stunning ocean view stretching out into the horizon. The salty sea air teased her nose, and she took a deep breath to soak in the scent. The ocean stretched out before her, the horizon smooth and endless. It was a reminder that the world could change in an instant. 

Penelope glanced at her sleeping husband. She watched as Raven shifted and threw an arm over his head. He looked utterly peaceful, his brows unfurrowed in sleep. She wondered if there would be a day when she could be happy. 

What she had now with Raven was mutual respect and shared intimacy she never thought she would experience. He made love to her as if she were his word, his everything. Raven held her as the most precious thing in his world. 

He believed in her and supported her even when she couldn't believe in herself. Raven didn't judge her because of her past but tried his best to understand and empathize with her. He even tried to convince her to return to painting. 

Penelope smiled at herself as she looked at her supportive husband. She grabbed a notebook and a pencil from the desk and started sketching him. Her wrist and hand moved across the paper, tracing the outline of Raven's face as he slept, capturing every detail from his chiseled jawline to the gentle curve of his lips.

Penelope's eyes flicked between her husband and the sketch, a sense of calm settling over her as she lost herself in the act of creation. The gentle scratch of the pencil on the paper was comforting, blending with the distant sound of the waves outside.

As she shaded in the contours of Raven's face, Penelope couldn't help but marvel at how different life had become since he had entered her world. His presence had brought a sense of stability and warmth she had never known.

A few minutes later, she closed the notebook and returned the pencil to the desk. She walked back to the bed, taking in the sight of him still sleeping soundly. Gently sliding under the covers next to him, she snuggled close, reveling in the warmth of his body against hers.

Raven stirred, his eyes fluttering open slowly as he gazed at her with a sleepy smile.

"Morning, wife," he murmured, his voice husky with sleep.

"Good morning," Penelope replied softly, allowing herself to be drawn by his embrace. 

Perhaps marrying him wasn't a mistake, she thought as she nestled closer to him. She could feel his heartbeat against her chest, the steady rhythm lulling her into a sense of security she had never known before. The doubts that had plagued her in the past seemed to melt away in the warmth of his presence.