Dream Come True (1)

Penelope and Raven settled into a daily pattern quickly. She liked that Raven didn't force her to follow a strict schedule during their honeymoon, where they were obligated to do one thing after another. Instead, they were able to relax and enjoy each other's company without feeling rushed or stressed. Penelope appreciated the freedom to simply go with the flow and make spontaneous decisions during their time together. 

Their routine was more like what life they could have had if they were commoners and not from a wealthy background —simple, carefree, and full of genuine moments of joy and laughter. It was a refreshing change from the usual expectations and pressures that came with their privileged upbringing. They found solace in the simplicity of their daily routine, cherishing every moment spent together. 

They started their day at seven, sharing breakfast on a balcony and admiring the sea from afar. Then Raven would work on whatever required his immediate attention while she walked on the beach, appreciating the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. 

Penelope loved the cool breeze on her skin as she strolled barefoot along the water's edge, collecting shells and letting her thoughts drift. Upon returning from her beach walk, Penelope would join Raven as he worked, bringing him a cup of steaming tea and perching herself on a nearby cushion. 

Sometimes, they would engage in light conversation, sharing snippets of their experiences. Other times, they would sit in companionable silence, the only sound the scratching of Raven's pen on paper. 

After lunch, they'd go for a leisurely bike ride through the quiet town nearby, exploring the area and cafes. Penelope loved the feeling of the wind in her hair as they pedaled along cobblestone streets. They would stop to admire colorful flowers spilling out of window boxes and listen to the cheerful chatter of locals going about their day. 

Penelope often would nap for an hour or so in the afternoon while Raven was busy making phone calls. She wasn't one who occasionally took naps but found herself easily lulled to sleep by the peaceful rhythm of the waves outside their window. When she awoke, Raven would have set up a small afternoon tea for them to enjoy together, complete with delicate pastries and fragrant teas. They would linger over their treats, savoring the flavors and each other's company in the quiet of their room. 

As the sun began to set, they would go back to their villa, hand in hand, enjoying the golden hues of the sky and the tranquil atmosphere of the evening. Raven would prepare a delicious dinner while Penelope set the table with candles, creating a cozy ambiance for their meal together. They would savor each bite, enjoying not only the flavors of the food but also the comfort of each other's presence.

After dinner, they would retire to the balcony again, this time with a glass of wine in hand, watching as the stars emerged in the night sky. They would talk about everything and nothing. Penelope felt a deep sense of contentment wash over her, knowing that in Raven, she had found a husband and a companion she never knew she needed. 

Penelope had never thought she would enjoy Raven's company. But as they spent more time together, she realized there was so much more to him than met the eye. Underneath his stoic exterior, Raven had a playful sense of humor and a tender heart that only she was privileged to witness. 

Being with him was easy. Penelope was often lost in his stormy eyes, feeling like she could see straight into his soul. She had never felt this level of connection with anyone before, and it both thrilled and scared her. 

Raven seemed to understand her in a way no one else ever had, anticipating her needs and desires before she even voiced them. It scared her how completely she had let down her walls around him, allowing herself to be vulnerable in ways she never thought possible.

Despite their passionate first night together, Raven hadn't initiated any intimacy with her since then. They spent their nights lost in deep conversation or comfortable silence, content to be in each other's presence. Penelope couldn't deny that a part of her longed for Raven's touch and closeness, but she also appreciated the respect he showed her by not rushing their physical relationship. 

"What are you thinking to be such in a deep trance?" 

Penelope snapped out of her thoughts when she heard her husband's voice. She was seated on the balcony, watching the moon glow softly over the vast sea. She turned to face Raven, a small smile playing on her lips. 

"Just thinking about how lucky I am to be here with you," she replied softly, her eyes reflecting the moonlight. Raven moved closer to her, sitting beside her on the balcony. The night air was cool and carried the scent of the ocean, wrapping them in a cocoon of tranquility.

"Being here with you feels like a dream. Something I haven't dared to hope for," Penelope confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. 

Raven moved closer to her, sitting beside her on the balcony. The night air was cool and carried the scent of the ocean, wrapping them with a sense of tranquility.

"I feel the same way," he said, his gaze fixed on the darkness ahead. 

Penelope looked at him, waiting for him to explain further, but he said nothing. There was a brief silence between them, the only sound being the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. But it was alright for Penelope. She didn't need to up her guard when Raven was with her. Although their marriage was nothing but a facade to the outside world, she found solace in their shared genuine connection. 

She wondered if her husband felt the same. It must have been difficult for Raven to adjust to his new life as a married man when he'd been used to being on his own for so long. But as she looked at him now, she saw a sense of peace in his eyes that hadn't been there before. 

Penelope reached out and took Raven's hand in hers, intertwining their fingers together. The gesture was simple yet intimate, a silent acknowledgment of their bond.