Calm Before the Storm (1)

Penelope squirmed in her seat, looking at her mother as she talked cheerfully with her husband. She hadn't seen her mother this excited for a long time. Perhaps her marriage to Raven had wiped out her mother's worry about their company, and she could now live a life of leisure again.

Since her father's death, her mother and the rest of Penelope's sisters had been struggling to keep the family business afloat. But now, with Raven by her side, it seemed like a weight had been lifted off her mother's shoulders. 

As Penelope observed her mother's radiant smile and carefree laughter, a sense of unease settled in the pit of her stomach. She felt that this peace was only temporary and wouldn't be long before their world was turned upside down again. Penelope knew all too well the dangers that lurked beneath the surface of luxury and contentment. Her father's sudden passing had left scars that ran deep within their family, scars that no amount of wealth or power could heal.

As she sat there, listening to her mother talk excitedly about their upcoming trip, Penelope couldn't shake the feeling of foreboding that clung to her like a shadow. But try as she might, she couldn't pinpoint the source of her unease this time. Was it the way Raven's eyes flickered when he thought no one was looking? Or the subtle tension in her mother's voice whenever she mentioned their business affairs?

As the evening wore on, Penelope excused herself from the table, feeling the need to clear her head. She wandered through the dimly lit corridors of their grand estate, the shadows playing tricks on her mind. Then, she noticed her sister, Priscilla, busy with a phone call and a frown marred her face. 

Priscilla glanced at her and gave Penelope a weak smile. Penelope knew that Priscilla's schedule was tight, but her sister was available for their family. She approached Priscilla, concern evident in her eyes. 

"Is everything alright, Ceecee?" she asked softly. 

Priscilla sighed, running a hand through her hair. "It's nothing, just some work-related issues. You know how it is," she replied, sounding nonchalant.

Penelope wasn't convinced. She knew her sister well enough to see through the facade. "You can talk to me, you know," Penelope said, placing a reassuring hand on Priscilla's arm.

Priscilla hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"It's about the research material I gave to Professor Johnson. He wasn't pleased with the results and threatened to remove me from our project. This could set us back months, Penny. And with the competition breathing down our necks, we can't afford any delays," Priscilla confessed, her eyes reflecting a mix of frustration and worry.

Penelope looked at her sister with concern. She could see the darkening circles under Priscilla's eyes and knew she had been pushing herself too hard lately. Priscilla spent most of her time at the hospital, and she could barely have time for herself. Penelope's heart ached for her sister, knowing how passionate she was about their project and its toll on her. She squeezed Priscilla's arm gently, offering her support.

"Don't worry, Ceecee. I'm sure things will get better. We could find someone who can help you look over your research material, and we can come up with a new approach," Penelope suggested a glimmer of hope in her eyes. Priscilla's tense expression softened at her sister's offer of help.

"Thank you, Penny. I would really appreciate that," Priscilla replied, a sense of relief washing over her.

"So, how about you and Mr. Hendrix? Is everything okay between you?"

Priscilla couldn't help but be worried about her elder sister. Penelope married not just a simple man but someone who held influence and power in the business world. Penelope's marriage had been sudden to give their family some face when their younger sister, Melody, ran away. Priscilla knew that Penelope didn't think highly of herself, but Priscilla thought her sister was courageous and selfless. 

Penelope's face flushed at the mention of her husband. She couldn't deny the flutter in her heart whenever he was around. Still, she knew her feelings needed to take a backseat because love wasn't a luxury she could afford when she had new responsibilities and uncertainties she would need to face soon. 

"Everything is fine, Ceecee. Raven has been supportive as always, but you know how it is with our families…" 

Priscilla nodded in understanding, knowing the weight of expectations and obligations Penelope needed to face now that she was part of Raven's family. This only meant Penelope would face the past she'd been trying to avoid for five years. However, Priscilla was certain her elder sister would be alright with Raven by her side. 

"I wish Melody was here with us now." Priscilla sighed. "I wonder what's taking her so long to return home. Did your husband tell you anything new?" 

Penelope shook her head. 

"No. I also wish he had some news, but there hasn't been any word from Melody yet. It's unlike her to be gone for this long without a single message," Penelope replied, her brows furrowed with worry.

Priscilla let out a small sigh, her thoughts mirroring Penelope's concerns. The absence of their sister weighed heavily on both their hearts, and the uncertainty surrounding her whereabouts only added to their growing unease. Melody had always been the free spirit of the family, never one to conform to societal expectations or familial obligations. But even so, her disappearance was unlike her.

"I hope she's alright," Priscilla said after a long silence. Melody hasn't been away for too long like this and on her own. I wish she were taking care of herself."

Penelope nodded, her worry for Melody gnawing at her insides. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss with her younger sister's prolonged absence. Melody's rebellious spirit had always been a source of frustration and admiration within the family, but this time, it felt different. She feared Melody would have a hard time being on her own, but Penelope also knew that Melody needed to find her path.