Calm Before the Storm (2)

Raven could sense the tension within the Dimitriou's home. It was his first time visiting the home where his wife grew up and meeting her mother and sisters as his in-laws. Although he was pleased by the fact that he was now her husband, he was determined to win over her in-laws and wondered if there would be a day when they would fully accept him as part of their family. 

He could sense Clara's nervousness, Priscilla's piercing gaze, and their mother's too-calm demeanor. The tension thickened with every passing minute as they sat down for dinner. The clinking of silverware against plates was the only sound in the room, punctuated by the occasional forced cough or clearing of a throat.

Raven made an effort to engage in small talk, but it felt like every topic he broached hit a wall. Penelope's mother, Roselia, kept the conversation going, her voice a steady stream of words. Clara, on the other hand, kept her eyes downcast, her silence speaking volumes. Priscilla, leaning back in her chair, looked grim and exhausted. Raven found solace in Penelope's presence, her hand giving him a reassuring squeeze under the table.

"I've meant to pay you a visit earlier than tonight, but work is piling up." Raven flashed his mother-in-law a charming smile that could quickly melt anyone's heart. 

Penelope's mother glanced at him with a hint of surprise as if she hadn't expected such sincerity from him. The tension in the room eased slightly, and Clara even dared to look up and give Raven a small smile.

"Well, we understand how busy you must be, Raven," Roselia replied, her voice softer now. "But we're just so glad you could join us tonight."

"Raven and I would pay you visits more often if we could, Mother," Penelope interjected, her voice warm and sincere. "We truly value family time, don't we, Raven?"

Raven nodded in agreement, grateful for Penelope's support. As the conversation shifted to lighter topics, he saw the tension slowly dissipating. Clara even joined in, sharing a funny anecdote from her day at work that made everyone chuckle.

The evening passed pleasantly, with delicious food and lighthearted conversation filling the dining room. Raven felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he realized he was starting to win over his in-laws.

As they said their goodbyes at the end of the night, Roselia surprised Raven by pulling him into a hug. 

"You are always welcome here, Raven," she whispered in his ear. "Just promise me to make my daughter safe and happy."

Raven stiffened as he awkwardly returned his mother-in-law's hug. He looked at Penelope for help, but she only gave him a shrug, telling him to endure it. 

Priscilla and Clara stood beside Penelope and watched their mother conversing happily with Raven. 

"I think she likes him," Priscilla whispered to her older sister. "Money aside, I think Raven Hendrix won her over." 

Penelope tried not to roll her eyes as she crossed her arms. 

"It's Raven, Ceecee. How many times do I have to correct you that you can call her by his given name. Raven permitted you to say it." 

"Because he's part of the family now?" Priscilla arched a slender brow at her sister, cupping her chin. "Well, I could see why you are at ease with him, but I hate to break it to you, Penny. Neither Prince Charming nor a knight in shining armor doesn't exist. Raven Hendrix might not be as you believe him to be." 

"I don't expect him to be perfect, Ceecee," Penelope admitted. "Raven is a nice guy, but I'm sure he has secrets and flaws like everyone else. But what matters to me is that he treats me respectfully and won't harm our family."

It was enough for her to get along with Raven and respect her boundaries. 

Priscilla studied her sister for a moment before nodding in understanding. There were things she wanted to tell Penelope, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions about her brother-in-law.

"I just want you to be cautious, Penny. We don't know much about his past or what he's capable of. 

Penelope smiled softly at Priscilla and reached out to squeeze her hand. 

"I appreciate your concern, Ceecee. I promise to keep my eyes open and trust my instincts." 

She knew her sister only wanted the best for her, but she also knew that Raven was different from anyone she had ever met. Penelope also wanted to believe that she and Raven could work this marriage between them. 

As they bid each other goodnight and Raven drove them home, Penelope couldn't shake off Priscilla's warning. She gazed out of the window, watching the city lights blur into streaks of color as they passed by. Raven reached over and took her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. But deep inside, Penelope was grappling with conflicting emotions, unsure of what to believe.

"Are you alright, dear?" 

His deep voice was filled with warmth and concern.

Penelope turned to him, offering him a small smile. 

"I'm fine, Raven. Just thinking about what Priscilla said earlier."

Raven nodded, his expression thoughtful. 

Raven nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I understand why she's cautious. I haven't had the easiest past, but I promise you, Penelope, I will always be honest with you. Honesty is a value I hold dear and I will do everything to uphold it in our relationship."

Penelope searched his eyes, finding a sincerity she had come to trust. She squeezed his hand back, a silent vow passing between them.

"I believe you, Raven," she said softly. "And I am willing to work through anything as long as we are honest with each other."

Raven's eyes softened, and he brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

"I don't care what others say about me, Penelope. I only care about how you see me and how I treat you. You are my priority. Don't let others demean you. My cousin and his wife intend to bring you with them to a young socialite woman's debut party. You may see people you may not want to meet again, Penny, but I hope that you will stand up for yourself and show everyone that you are not to be trifled with."

Penelope froze in her seat at Raven's declaration, although she knew that meeting Lance and the rest of the Oliver family was bound to happen. She forced a smile and looked away to gather her thoughts. Penelope appreciated Raven's concern for her well-being but couldn't shake off the dread at the prospect of facing Lance Oliver and his wife at the debut party. 

As they arrived home, Penelope retreated to her room, lost in her thoughts. She paced back and forth, grappling with conflicting emotions about the upcoming event. On one hand, she wanted to make Raven proud by handling the situation with grace and strength. On the other hand, she couldn't suppress the fear that old wounds might be reopened in the presence of Lance Oliver, a man from her past she'd rather forget.