Easier Said Than Done (1)

It was Penelope's first time visiting Montgomery's family, and she couldn't help but be nervous about meeting the rest of her husband's family. Their presence alone was enough to make her feel like an outsider. The grandeur of the Montgomery estate always overwhelmed her, with its high ceilings and lavish decor whispering old money at every turn.

Penelope was met with a frosty reception from her in-laws, their polite smiles not reaching their eyes. She felt the weight of their scrutiny settle on her like a heavy cloak, and she knew that winning their approval would be no easy task. Taking a deep breath, she squared her shoulders and smiled as she answered their inquiries. She was determined to make a good impression. She complimented Margaret on the exquisite flower arrangements that adorned the grand foyer and engaged in a polite conversation with Louis about his latest endeavors. 

"Be at ease, Penelope. You are family now," Margaret said, giving Penelope an assuring smile. 

On the other hand, Louis shook his head in disappointment about Raven's absence. He and Raven were cousins. Louis' father was the older brother of Raven's mother. Despite the massive difference in their ages, he and Raven grew up like brothers. 

After Raven's parents passed away, Louis took it upon himself to look after his cousin's welfare until Raven was old enough to fend for himself. It hadn't been easy for them, but Louis promised his deceased aunt to look after Raven. 

"I've repeatedly reminded Raven that he should change his priorities now that you are married. I supposed he'd been used to returning home late at night without someone waiting for him, but still, he hadn't listened. Perhaps it's time for us to have a stern word with him," Louis mused, his brow furrowed in disapproval. 

Penelope shifted uncomfortably in her seat, her mind racing as she tried to devise a suitable response. She knew the man she was married to wasn't a simple man, and Raven was busy, given how he ran two massive corporations at the same time. 

"It must have been hard for you, Penelope," Margaret commented. 

Penelope shook her head and wiped her mouth with a napkin before speaking, choosing her words carefully. It hadn't been a month since she and Raven got married, and there were still things she didn't know about her husband. 

"I understand your concerns, but Raven is dedicated to his work and sometimes loses track of time. I don't mind waiting for him; it's a small price to pay for being with someone as remarkable as him. I also believe in his commitment to both his work and our marriage. I'm sure he'll find a balance and sort his priorities." 

She hoped her sincerity would appease the Montgomery family's reservations about her husband's priorities. 

Louis regarded her thoughtfully, tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. His expression softened slightly at her words. 

"You are kind and understanding, Penelope. We appreciate your patience with Raven." He said, a hint of approval in his tone, while his wife nodded in agreement. 

"You don't have to worry about Uncle Rae seeking another woman, Miss Dimitriou," Henry and Margaret's second son, William, said with a smirk. "Uncle Rae will always choose you over anyone else. He values family above all else, and you are now a part of that family."

Rowan, the eldest of the Montgomery brothers, chuckled and looked at Penelope. 

"Liam is right, Penelope. Our Uncle Rae is married to his work before you. I think that's the only issue you need to deal with as soon as possible. Don't let Uncle Rae treat you like this in the future." 

Penelope felt a swell of gratitude towards William for his words. She knew that gaining Raven's family's acceptance was crucial for their marriage to thrive.

Penelope smiled gratefully at William and Rowan's reassurance. She could feel some of the tension easing in the room, knowing they saw her as a part of their family. 

"We appreciate your understanding, Penelope," Margaret said warmly, reaching across the table to place her hand on Penelope's.

Louis nodded in agreement, a rare smile gracing his features. 

As the evening went on, Penelope found herself relaxing more in the company of the Montgomery family. She was relieved that her husband had such an understanding and loving relative who looked after him. They shared stories, and she laughed, feeling a sense of belonging she hadn't expected. The initial tension began to melt away as she realized that perhaps, despite their differences, they could find common ground. 

A car pulling outside caught everyone's attention just as dessert was being served. Penelope couldn't contain the smile as she heard familiar footsteps approaching them. Moments later, Raven strode into the room, his eyes lighting up when they landed on his wife. 

"Penelope," he said, crossing the room in quick strides toward her and kissing her on the cheek. I'm so sorry I'm late." 

"It's quite alright," Penelope replied, smiling at him. "I was just enjoying getting to know your family better."

Raven turned to his cousin and wife and gave them a nod before returning to Penelope. 

"I hope they haven't been too hard for you." 

Penelope shook her head. 

"Not at all. Your family has been very welcoming."

Louis grunted while Margaret let out a laugh behind her hand. 

"It seems you are the one who's having a hard time, Rae." She told Raven. 

"Thank you for having us tonight. I'm sorry for being late; work ran longer than expected."

Louis raised an eyebrow but said nothing while Margaret smiled warmly at Raven.

"We understand, dear," she said, patting his hand. "But do try to be more punctual next time. Penelope was a charming company, but we missed having you here with us."

Raven squeezed Penelope's hand under the table before returning to his family.

"I'll make sure to be on time next time. Thank you for understanding."

Penelope watched as Raven took his seat at the table, feeling a rush of affection for him despite his tardiness. 

After dinner, as Penelope and Raven bid farewell to the Montgomery family, Margaret pulled Penelope aside for a private moment.

"I must say, my dear, you have handled yourself admirably tonight," Margaret said, her eyes soft with sincerity. "It's not easy being a part of this family, but you've shown grace and resilience. You don't need to worry about what others will say about you being Raven's wife." 

"But the public hasn't known we are married yet," Penelope replied with a weak smile. She knew she could no longer hide entirely from the public's prying eyes. 

"I know. Raven told us to leave it be. I trust that he wants to disclose your marriage to the public when the time is right," Margaret reassured her, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Just know that you have our support, my dear. We see the respect and dedication between you and Raven, and that's all that matters."

Penelope said nothing, but she knew that facing her fears was easier said than done.