You Could Never Disappoint Me (2)

Lance was also aware of her secrets, but he didn't find her passion for art as interesting as Raven did. Penelope led Raven to her private gallery in a secluded part of Mistwood City.

Purple Hyacinth was bathed in soft, warm light, casting a gentle glow over the paintings that adorned the walls. There were no people around as the gallery was closed for renovations. Since Penelope was the owner, she had the set of keys that allowed her and Raven to enter the establishment discreetly.

"Wow, Penelope. I had no idea you were so talented," Raven breathed, his eyes scanning over her artwork's vibrant colors and intricate details.

Penelope smiled shyly as she led him around the gallery.

"I'm glad you like them," she murmured, a shy smile playing on her lips.