Meeting Loki And Thor Part 2

"Another dark dimension... starting to really dislike all this darkness. I had hopes of becoming a cringe-edge lord someday, but these dimensions are making me rethink that," he muttered flatly, his voice carrying a hint of resignation as he continued to scan his surroundings.


"...Hmm, what is that?" Azmond thought this place had nothing in it. He assumed this place would be like the dark dimension he had to break through when he mastered the Quantum Gate skill.

However, that was apparently not the case as he saw something in the corner of his peripheral vision.

"... Is that a chessboard?" He took a closer look with his enhanced vision. What he saw confirmed his unhinged theory.

"Yep, that's most definitely a chess board. An extremely high quality one at that. I can't even begin to understand the intricacies that went into creating something of such high craftsmanship."