Meeting Loki And Thor Part 3

Loki noticed Azmond's puzzled expression and had a sudden realization. "Oh, right. I forgot that those from lower realms can't really see higher beings clearly." He flashed an awkward smile and gestured with his hand. In an instant, the indistinct figure before Azmond transformed into a man with long blonde hair.


"...What..." He came out of his stupor and backed up a few hundred meters. He was trying to understand what he had just experienced, but no matter how much he tried to recall the 'thing' he saw, he couldn't remember a single minute detail—not a single thing.

It was almost like what he thought he saw never happened.

Azmond knew that wasn't the case, but it still left him in a state of bewilderment. His gaze quickly turned up to see the figure that took his place. This person was handsome, but that was it... It was nowhere near the inscrutable phenomenon he saw a moment ago.