Tree Of Life And The Order Of The Eternal Flame Part 2

As he gazed upon the horrifying crimson red entity, it returned his stare in full.


It was as if, no matter the veneer, you used to shroud yourself from the world. Whatever darkness lay within that crimson would always look right back at you.

There was a saying that fit this situation to a T. It goes like this:

When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes right back at you.

It is a very terrifying thought to imagine the actual implications of. A thought that one would never expect to be something you would actually experience within a singular lifetime.

And, yet... Azmond felt that very feeling when he peered into that crimson darkness.

It felt like his soul could be sucked up on a whim if that crimson aura so felt like it...

He had never felt anything even remotely close to the terror that he felt when he gazed into that monstrosity. A terror so horror-inducing that he felt like throwing up as soon as he saw it.