The Crimson Terror

In response to Loki's piercing gaze, he mustered the warmest smile he could and met his eyes squarely. "So, what's this 'Order of the Eternal Flame' all about? And why the sudden jumpiness when it was mentioned?" His lips quivered slightly, his expression tensing.

But his burning curiosity about the origins of that crimson aura overshadowed any unease he felt towards the cunning figure before him.


Loki's eyes twitched a little when he heard what Azmond said. He didn't like how he phrased his reaction to the crimson aura. 

It wasn't like he was scared or anything. The organization that stemmed from the aura just put him on edge a little. That's all it was. He swears it on his brother's future promiscuous activities...

"..." Thor was practically rolling in his grave full of celibacy right about now.
