Running Out Of Time...



Loki didn't quite get the reaction he wanted out of Azmond. However, he wouldn't renege on his promise of progressing this conversation at a faster pace now.

Time was running out after all...

"Boundless Restorations Divine aura is filling up the entire atmosphere around you. And it doesn't just end there, as it spreads outwards for many miles with you at the center." He pointed into the distance before transmitting some of his vision to Azmond.

Azmond was a little taken aback by the sudden emulation of sight. However, those thoughts of apprehension quickly dispersed as the sight he saw before him left him breathless.

A bright plethora of sparkling and dazzling lights shone in every direction. They extended out far enough that he could see no end to the splendiferous lights. However, it wasn't the bright lights that left him stunned.