Divine Phoenix Progenitor Sealed

Azmond's eyes widened slightly at this revelation. He understood that the progenitor must have been incredibly powerful, but he never imagined the extent of his accomplishments to be so grandiose…


"You are probably thinking to yourself. 'How could the God's in God's Domain seal such a powerful individual?' or 'How was the progenitor of the Divine Phoenixes not able to overthrow the olden Gods?'. Well, the answer to those questions has nothing to do with the strength of the Progenitor of the Divine Phoenixes. Rather, his insane prowess could be attributed to one simple thing…"

Azmond waited with bated breath. He needed to understand just what was capable of enabling the Progenitor of the Divine Phoenixes to hold its ground against so many peak forces. Forces that were part of a much higher plane of existence than the one where Asterion was situated.