Loki's A What???

A darker shade of red crept up her equally stunning face as she realized that she had been staring for too long…

'No, Boundless. You are a tool to be used by the host. Don't get off track…'

She lightly shook her head to rid herself of the impure thoughts, as clarity soon returned to her mind.

Her lively eyes quickly took on a more determined shade of brown.

'This man will lead to entire layers of existence being destroyed if he's not careful with how he approaches the women he meets along the way!'

She knew that she needed to find a way to solve this 'problem' revolving around Azmond's personality if she wished to survive along with her master in this world.

After all, she had no real combat power…

She was but a small piece of the balance that makes up the universe in the form of an assistance tool.