Loki's A What??? Part 2

|I meant exactly what I said, Host. Loki is a woman in every sense of the word. She was born a woman.| A dry, monotone voice sounded out.

She truly attempted to get her voice out in a joyful tone, but it just came out in a flat way.

It looked like this current subject was quite a touchy one for Boundless.

Azmond obviously noticed the peculiarities that occurred with his new companion, but he decided to leave it for later.

It seemed like she and he had a lot to talk about…

What his attention was more focused on at the moment was that the Loki he knew was, in actuality…

A Woman!

He couldn't believe it himself, but Boundless had no apparent reason to lie about such an arbitrary topic. So he naturally assumed that she was speaking the undeniable truth!