(Disclaimer! System Chapter!) New System Interface

Azmond's smile became a little wider as he continued to listen to the big brown-eyed mess called Boundless.

|You should have an exp tab on the Exterior Cultivation section, but it appears that it has not yet loaded in.| Boundless spoke aloud for a moment before her expression changed to a relieved one.

Her gleeful side came back in full swing as her relieved look morphed into a delighted one. Her eyes and mouth curled up in one swift, dazzling motion. It would be no understatement to say that even stars would lose out on the radiance that her face emits!

It seemed that nothing made her happier than being of some assistance to Azmond.


She had just met her new host not too long ago and yet she already felt like being of any help to her master would be the only thing that could make her truly happy!

Fate and destiny often worked in mysterious ways…
