The Slime Devours...

Azmond observed such a frantic reaction from the black slime before he pointed at his similarly black-colored ring with a puzzled expression.

"Do you want this ring or something inside of the ring?" 


It spoke in an incomprehensible manner.

"Oh. I see. You want something inside the ring, huh? Let me take everything out of it then." 

A manner that Azmond immediately understood...

Following his words was the swift motion of his hands swiping down in the air before a large assortment of various items flew out of his ring.

Stuff kept on flowing out of his storage ring until it looked like an entire mountain would be created just from the vast amount of 'treasure' inside.

He liked to call it 'treasure', but most of it was just useless garbage that he picked up while taking out a few Goblin, Kobold, Troll, and Draconian encampments.