The Slime Devours... Part 2

Azmond looked at his little buddy after using such an overpowered power for such trivialities—his smile became quite wide as he petted Emu one more time before his voice resounded out across the empty altar.

"Dig in, little Emu!" 

Such an exclamation was followed by the watermelon-sized black slime instantly bouncing off of his body before heading toward the few dozen corpses that he had brought to it!


It made quick work of all the draconian corpses, as the nearly 30 draconian 'Elite' corpses were devoured in a mere 5 minutes!

The now-giddy black slime didn't seem the least bit full either, as its insatiable hunger made its slimy features distort into something unexplainable.

Something akin to a black hole from Azmond's perspective…