The Colossal Red Yeti

Loud explosions followed; they almost sounded like the sounds of a multitude of mountains being destroyed by the impending entrance of something momentous!

"Oh?" His impassive voice leaked out before he turned his half-destroyed, stalwart figure in the direction of the noise.

And what he saw left him completely astonished!

A figure so large that even the skies above were blotted out from the mere size of it appeared in front of his vision!

And the most surprising part was that it was not flying…

It had bright red fur covering the entirety of its humongous body, and there were two pitch black horns that spiraled upwards from the center of the beast's head—a head that resembled that of a giant yeti—a head that could look over even the tallest of skyscrapers with ease!

Vast amounts of saliva leaked from the gaping mouth of the fur beast as thousands of bolder sized teeth flared out at Azmond.

"ROOooOOAAR!!!!!" It bellowed.