(Disclaimer! System Chapter!) Dissecting The Furry Monster

An irkful look was still present on his chiseled features; however, such small amounts of annoyance were a lot better than the look on his face prior to 'venting'.

** Tap ** ** Tap **

His light steps made contact with the earth as his fully healed body and clean, neat robes made themselves known to the world.

|Did you have fun dissecting that giant, furry creature, Azmond?| A kind, angelic voice made its way into his ears like sweet honey.

He turned in the direction of the busty, brown-haired beauty before responding in a slightly perturbed tone.

"That beast was nothing but a bothersome annoyance that should've stayed in whatever hole it crawled out of—instead of annoying me with its pest-like existence." He said with a small frown and a clicking of his tongue.