Half-Step Unity Form Synthesis Realm Master's Fighting!

Chapter 220



An aura seemed to increase in intensity, as it looked like the owner of the aura was becoming enraged!


Following a loud explosion, Azmond was ultimately able to catch a glimpse of something in the richest district of RiverBloom.

"Is that a basilisk…? But who is that other guy?"

What he saw were two figures dashing through the skies as they battled it out in an intense struggle.

The first figure was a giant gray basilisk thousands of meters in length, while the second figure was a man with a wisened countenance and an ancient aura permeating outward from him.

"Is that the BranchMaster?" He asked with a curious tone.

However, he quickly scratched that theory when he got a better view of the beard of the old dude flying in the sky.

"Nah… The BranchMaster's beard is more gray than white. But if this guy is not the BranchMaster, then who is he?"