So.. What Is Going On Here?

Chapter 221


"Don't you think you should just give up, City Lord of RiverBloom?? You have already betrayed your race in an attempt to find a cure for that wife of yours! Just go ahead and die, so you can join her in the afterlife when she dies! I will even allow you to greet her at the gates to hell!"


Following the cynical words of the basilisk was the subsequent release of a murky gray energy!

"You Bastard!!! Don't talk about my wife like that, you fucking worm!!!" The City Lord bellowed with a completely enraged look on his face!


An equally potent aura was unleashed from the City Lord as he stared the eight thousand-meter-long basilisk down with a ferocious glint in his eyes!

"Die, You Fucking Shit Worm!!!" He thundered with deep hatred in his voice!