Run Away...?


"What?? What do you mean by that??? Are you trying to tell me that we don't need a plan to take care of those beasts? Or were you looking to run away instead…?"

The City Lord's voice became a little cracked at the last part of his words; he didn't know what he would do if the youngster decided to leave the city and escape while he could. Not that he could really blame him…

He was positive that the mysterious youngster was not from around these parts and should naturally have no reason to protect a city he was just passing by. However, that didn't stop hope from building up inside him.

The City Lord knew that he stood not a chance in hell when pitted up against two monsters at the Early Unity Form Synthesis Realm. But that didn't mean he would leave his city and his citizens to their own dooms!

Even though a few hundred thousand people died with the unexpected beast invasion, there were still tens of millions of people who survived!