Chapter 227


Every further thing The City Lord learned about this youngster only left him more and more bewildered than before! Just what sort of secrets lie within that youthful body of his??



Everything within RiverBloom was about to collapse in on itself due to the immense aura being unleashed by Azmond; however, before it could, he quickly reeled in all of the newfound power he unleashed before compressing it into a more refined and easily controllable form.

"My power is doing pretty well, but I feel like it could be stronger... What am I missing?" He asked himself with a quizzical tone.


Emu squeaked as it jumped off his bed of long, raven black hair before morphing into a sleek black and gold katana!

"Oh. How could I forget you, little Emu?" Azmond chortled with a small smile as he petted his katana a little.
